PowerXpert™ Help : Programming Commands for Power Master : System Commands
System Commands
System commands control instrument functions and some general purpose functions.These commands affect instrument functionality that does not directly relate to data collection, display or transfer.
System Error Queue
If an error occurs, the error number and message are placed in the error queue, which can be read by this query command. Errors are cleared by reading them.
Error code 0, is “No error”.
Error codes from –100 to –199 belongs to the Command error category and sets bit 5 of the standard ESR register.
Error codes from –200 to –299 belongs to the Command error category and sets bit 4 of the standard ESR register.
Error codes from –400 to –499 belongs to the Query error category and sets bit 2 of the standard ESR register.
Error codes from –300 to –399 and 1 to 32767 belongs to the Device-specific error and sets bit 3 of the standard ESR register.
Negative error numbers (command error, execution error, device-dependent error, query error) are standard SCPI errors.
Positive error numbers are device specific errors, not standard SCPI errors.
The error queue is also cleared by *CLS, *RST, and when power is turned on. If more errors have occurred than can fit in the buffer, the last error stored in the queue (the most recent error) is replaced with –350, Queue overflow. No additional errors are stored until removing errors from the queue. If no errors have occurred when reading the error queue, the instrument responds with 0, No error.
This command presets parameters in the current application to their factory default values.