VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer Calibration and Measurement Guide : Multiple Source Control (Option 7) : DUT Measurement Example #2—Up Converter
DUT Measurement Example #2—Up Converter
The DUT is an up converter with:
a 1 to 2 GHz input
a 76.5 to 77.5 GHz output
The LO is fixed at 37.75 GHz and a 2nd harmonic is used
Port 1 of the VNA will drive the input of the DUT and the output will be fed to a 3743A/AX module connected to Port 2 of the VNA.
An external synthesizer (Ext. Synth 2) will provide the LO
Define band 1-2 GHz
Int Src = 1/1(f+0)
Ext Src 2 = CW 37.75 GHz
Rcvr = 1/1(f+75.5 GHz)
External module control is activated in 3739-based modes. The receiver is enabled but the source is not. The leveling choice does not matter since the base VNA is providing source drive.