Example 1 – Open a Session to Obtain Instrument Information
In this first example we will simply open a communication session to the VNA and then use two of the driver VIs to get some information about the VNA. The code snippet is below.
status = au464x_init ("VectorStar_Test", VI_TRUE, VI_FALSE, &session);
// We could use a VISA connection in string in the au464x_init function above
// but we prefer to use the VISA alias (“VectorStar_Test”) we set up earlier.
status = au464x_revisionQuery (session, d,d1);
printf("Driver Version: %s\n",d);
printf("Firmware Version: %s\n",d1);
printf("\n\nHit return to exit:");
return 0;
Example 1 – Output Results
The results of running Example 1. The au464x_revision_query() function returns two strings. The first is the version of the driver, and the second is the version of firmware on the VNA.