VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer Operation Manual : User Interface Display : Using the Menu Bar Interface
Using the Menu Bar Interface
Menu Bar Overview
The menu bar at the top of the screen provides eight drop-down menus for quick access to major VectorStar VNA menu functions and dialogs. The configuration is fixed and not user-configurable. The figure below shows all of the available MENU BAR functions and command menus.
MENU BAR Major Functions, Drop-Down Menus, and Commands (1 of 2)
The appearance of the CHANNEL menu depends on the instrument point mode.
For all VectorStar VNA models, if the instrument is in 25,000 point mode, the CHANNEL menu has eight selections, as shown in the left CHANNEL menu.
For VectorStar VNA models, if the instrument is in 100,000 point mode, the CHANNEL menu has only four selections, as shown in the right CHANNEL menu.
Menu Bar General Operation
The MENU BAR drop-down menus and commands can be accessed by clicking on the menu bar and required command.
The keyboard can be used to enter the menu and/or command short cut, most of which use the ALT (ALTERNATE) key. To access a menu from the keyboard, press and hold the ALT (ALTERNATE) key and the number in front of the menu name.
For example, ALT+1 opens the FILE menu.
For example, ALT+7 opens the UTILITY menu.
To access most commands listed on the drop-down menus, follow the ALT + sequence with the menu command number.
For example, to access the Preset command on the UTILITIES menu, enter ALT+7, then 5.
For example, to access the right side SYSTEM menu, enter ALT+7, then 1.
Some MENU BAR menu commands can also be accessed by using the keyboard Control (CTRL) key. Press and hold the CTRL key and then the letter key.
For example, to recall a previously saved setup, enter CTRL + O (letter O).
For example, to print the current display screen, enter CTRL + P.
Menu Bar Drop-Down Menus and Commands
The menu bar appears at the top of the instrument display and provides direct access to system menus and some button functions.
The table below summarizes all menu bar drop down commands and provides cross references to sections that describe the resultant menu or command in greater detail.
Menu Bar Drop-Down Menu Descriptions (1 of 11)
Menu and Command Name
Menu and Command Descriptions
FILE Drop-Down Menu
Front Panel Key: File
Keyboard: ALT + 1
MAIN | File | FILE
Recall Setup Command
Select displays the RECALL SETUP dialog box and allows the recall of previously saved setup and/or calibration files:
– Active Channel Setup and Calibration (.chx) File
– Active Channel Setup (.stx) File
– All Channel Setup (.sta) File
Keyboard: CTRL + O (letter O)
MENU BAR | File | Recall Setup
MAIN | File | FILE | Recall Setup | RECALL SETUP Dialog Box
Recall Data Command
Select displays the RECALL DATA dialog box and allows the recall of a previously saved active channel and/or active trace data file of these types:
– Active Channel S2P (.s2p) File
– Formatted Data into Active Trace (.tdf) File
– Unformatted Data into Active Trace (.tdu) File
– Formatted Data into Active Trace Memory (.tdf) File
– Unformatted Data into Active Trace Memory (.tdu) File
Keyboard: Keyboard: ALT + O (letter O)
MENU BAR | File | Recall Data
MAIN | File | FILE | Recall Data | RECALL DATA Dialog Box
Save Setup Command
Select displays the Save Setup dialog box and allows the user to save the currently applied system presets configuration file.
Keyboard: CTRL + S
MENU BAR | File | Save Setup
MAIN | File | FILE | Save Setup | SAVE SETUP Dialog Box
Save Data Command
Select displays the SAVE DATA (Active Channel .txt) dialog box. Use this dialog to save the current channel data file.
Keyboard: ALT + S
MENU BAR | File | Save Data
MAIN | File | FILE | Save Data | SAVE DATA Dialog Box
Print Command
Select displays the Windows PRINT dialog box to print the current main display.
Keyboard: CTRL + P
MENU BAR | File | Print
MAIN | File | Print | PRINT Dialog Box
Page Setup Command
Select displays the Windows PAGE SETUP dialog box with controls for:
Paper size
Paper source tray at printer
Orientation as Portrait or Landscape
Margins for Left, Right, Top, and Bottom
Print Setup Command
Select displays the PRINT SETUP dialog box. The controls allow the print output to be customized as required. The following parameters can be set:
Output Format – Select one of the following:
Bitmap with Page Setup
Header Output:
Include Header – The header configuration set in the fields below can be included or left off print reports. Each field can be separately configured to be included or not.
Model – Provides an input field for model number information such as the DUT or VNA model.
Operator Name – Provides an input field for operator name or other identification.
Device ID – Provides an input field for the DUT identification.
Operator Comment – Provides a large free form input field for comments about the DUT or test.
Logo Setup:
Include Logo – The logo set in the fields below can be included or left off print reports.
Select Logo Type – Anritsu – The default selection set an Anritsu logo or user defined logo in BMP graphics format.
• Select Logo Type – User – If a user logo is selected, the graphic file must be copied onto the VectorStar VNA in a known location. Then use the Browse button to navigate to the logo file.
Exit Command
Select displays a confirmation dialog box. Click OK to exit the VectorStar application and return to the Windows desktop. Click Cancel to remain in the VectorStar application.
MENU BAR | File | Exit
CHANNEL Drop-Down Menu
CHANNEL menu for 25,000 point mode shown at left.
CHANNEL menu for 100,000 point mode short at right.
Front Panel Key: Channel
Keyboard: ALT + 2
MENU BAR | Channel
MAIN | Channel | CHANNEL
Select displays the right-side FREQUENCY menu.
Front Panel Key: Frequency
Keyboard: ALT + 2 then 1
MENU BAR | Channel | Frequency
MAIN | Frequency | FREQUENCY
Select displays the right-side POWER menu.
Front Panel Key: Power
Keyboard: ALT + 2 then 2
MENU BAR | Channel | Power
MAIN | Power | POWER
Select displays the right-side SWEEP SETUP menu.
Front Panel Key: Sweep
Keyboard: ALT + 2, then 3
MENU BAR | Channel | Sweep
MAIN | Sweep Setup | SWEEP SETUP
Select displays the right-side AVERAGING menu.
Front Panel Key: Avg (Average)
Keyboard: ALT + 2 then 4
MENU BAR | Channel | Averaging
MAIN | Averaging | AVERAGING
Channel Menu Command
Select displays the right-side CHANNEL menu.
Prerequisites: Instrument must be in 25,000 point mode.
Front Panel Key: Channel
Keyboard: ALT + 2, then 5
MENU BAR | Channel | Channel Menu
MAIN | Channel | CHANNEL
Channel Max Command
Select maximizes the display of the active channel. Select again returns to the previous multi-channel display.
Prerequisites: Instrument must be in 25,000 point mode.
Keyboard: ALT + 2, then 6
Keyboard: CTRL + 1
MENU BAR | Channel | Channel Max
MAIN | Channel | CHANNEL | Chan. Max
Channel Previous Command
Selects the next lower channel number. If channel 1 was previously selected, selects the highest numbered channel.
Prerequisites: Instrument must be in 25,000 point mode.
Keyboard: ALT + 2, then 7
MENU BAR | Channel | Channel Prev.
MAIN | Channel | CHANNEL | Chan. Previous
Channel Next Command
Selects the next higher channel number. If the highest numbered channel was previously selected, selects channel 1.
Prerequisites: Instrument must be in 25,000 point mode.
Keyboard: ALT + 2, then 8
MENU BAR | Channel | Channel Next
MAIN | Channel | CHANNEL | Chan. Next
TRACE Drop-Down Menu
Front Panel Key: Trace
Keyboard: ALT + 3
MENU BAR | Trace
MAIN | Trace | TRACE
Response Command
Select displays the right-side RESPONSE menu.
Front Panel Key: Response
Keyboard: ALT + 3 then 1
MENU BAR | Trace | Response
MAIN | Response | RESPONSE
Display Command
Select displays the right-side DISPLAY menu.
Front Panel Key: Display
Keyboard: ALT + 3, then 2
MENU BAR | Trace | Display
MAIN | Display | DISPLAY
Scale Command
Select displays the right-side SCALE menu. The name of the SCALE menu (and the buttons on it) depend on the display type selected such as:
Scale (Log Mag)
Scale (Lin Mag)
Scale (Phase)
Scale (Real)
Scale (Imag)
Scale (SWR)
Front Panel Key: Scale
Keyboard: ALT + 3, then 3
MENU BAR | Trace | Scale
MAIN | Scale | SCALE
Marker Command
Select displays the right-side MARKERS [1] menu.
Front Panel Key: Marker
Keyboard: ALT + 3, then 4
MENU BAR | Trace | Marker
MAIN | Marker | MARKER [1]
Trace Menu Command
Select displays the right-side TRACE menu.
Front Panel Key: Trace
Keyboard: ALT + 3, then 5
MENU BAR | Trace | Trace Menu
MAIN | Trace | TRACE
Trace Max Command
Select maximizes the active trace to full screen display. Selecting again, returns the trace to the standard multi-trace display.
Keyboard: ALT + 3, then 6
MENU BAR | Trace | Trace Max
MAIN | Trace | TRACE | Trace Max
Trace Previous Command
Selects the next lower trace number on the active channel. If Trace 1 is currently selected, the highest numbered trace is selected. If the current trace is not maximized, the previous trace will not be maximized. If the current trace is maximized, the previous trace will be maximized.
Keyboard: ALT + 3, then 7
MENU BAR | Trace | Trace Prev.
MAIN | Trace | TRACE | Trace Previous
Trace Next Command
Selects the next higher trace number on the active channel. If the highest numbered trace is currently displayed, the Trace 1 is displayed. If the current trace is not maximized, the next trace will not be maximized. If the current trace is maximized, the next trace will be maximized.
Keyboard: ALT + 3, then 8
MENU BAR | Trace | Trace Next
MAIN | Trace | TRACE | Trace Previous
The CALIBRATION drop-down menu has one command that selects the right-side CALIBRATION menu
Front Panel Key: Calibration
Keyboard: ALT + 4
MENU BAR | Calibration
MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION
Select displays the right-side MEASUREMENT menu.
Front Panel Key: Measurement
Keyboard: ALT + 5
MENU BAR | Measurement
MAIN | Measurement | MEASUREMENT
The APPLICATION menu/command selects the right-side APPLICATION menu.
Front Panel Key: Application
Keyboard: ALT + 6
MENU BAR | Application
MAIN | Application | APPLICATION
UTILITY Drop-Down Menu
Keyboard: ALT + 7
MENU BAR | Utilities
Select displays the right-side SYSTEM menu.
Front Panel Key: System
Keyboard: ALT + 7, then 1
MENU BAR | Utilities | System
MAIN | System | SYSTEM
Toolbar Off
Toggles the ICON TOOLBAR, immediately below the MENU BAR, on and off.
Keyboard: ALT + 7, then 2
MENU BAR | Utilities | Toolbar Off
Customize Toolbar
Select displays the CUSTOMIZE TOOLBAR dialog box and allows the user to select which icons are to be displayed in the toolbar. Up to 10 icons can be displayed at one time and there are a total of 32 available icons. The Icon Toolbar configuration is saved when a Preset Save is completed.
Keyboard: ALT + 7, then 3
MENU BAR | Utilities | Customize Toolbar
Channel Title
Select displays the DISPLAY SETUP menu and allows a user-defined title to be applied to and displayed above the active channel. Each channel can have a different or the same title.
Keyboard: ALT + 7, then 4
MENU BAR | Utilities | Channel Title
MAIN | Display | DISPLAY | Display Area Setup | DISPLAY SETUP | Edit Chan. Title | EDIT CHANNEL TITLE Dialog Box
Returns the instrument to its prior saved state which can be either the factory-default preset, or a user-defined setup. The PRESET SETUP menu selection defines which is used.
Front Panel Key: Preset
Keyboard: ALT + 7, then 5
MENU BAR | Utilities | Preset
No right-side menu available to preset the instrument:
– Use either the Front Panel Preset Key or the Menu Bar Function above.
Navigation to the PRESET SETUP:
MAIN | System | SYSTEM | Setup | SETUP | Preset Setup | PRESET SETUP
Preset Setup
Select displays the PRESET SETUP menu which allows the user to customize whether the preset function restores the instrument to:
– User Defined: A previously saved user-defined state.
– Default: The factory as-shipped state.
– Default 0: The factory original setting.
Keyboard: ALT + 7, then 6
MENU BAR | Utilities | Preset Setup
MAIN | System | SYSTEM | Setup | SETUP | Preset Setup | PRESET SETUP
Clear Command
Select toggles the displayed right-side menu off and on. When toggled back on, the previously selected menu is displayed. For example, if the CALIBRATE function menu was displayed when the display was cleared, the CALIBRATE function menu is again displayed when Clear is selected a second time.
Keyboard: ALT + 7, then 7
MENU BAR | Utilities | Clear Command
Installed Option Command
Select displays the OPTION STATUS dialog box (with a typical display shown below) that lists all installed, included, and not installed instrument options. Click Close to clear.
Keyboard: ALT + 7, then 8
MENU BAR | Utilities | Installed Options
MAIN | System | SYSTEM | Setup | SETUP | Misc. Setup | MISC. SETUP | Installed Options | OPTION STATUS Dialog Box
HELP Drop-Down Menu
Front Panel Key: Help
Keyboard: ALT + 8
Selecting User Interface Reference takes the user to the section in the User Interface Reference Manual that is relevant to the current menu selected on the UI, where all details of the active menu and any related dialog boxes are explained.
Selecting Calibration & Measurement takes the user to the chapter landing page in the Measurement Guide that is relevant to the current menu selected on the UI. From there, the user can select the appropriate link on the landing page to take them to the section in the manual that discusses calibration or measurement topics that are related to the active menu.
Note that when the active menu is not directly related to any calibration or measurement operations, Help takes the user to the Measurement Guide Cover page and contents bar for further browsing (if desired), or the user can switch back the User Interface Reference for more information about the menu.
Browse Help Command
Select displays the Help System, typically showing the help system table of contents and topics as an HTML page. The Help System navigation comprises the following main controls:
Contents Tab – The initial display is with Closed Book icons. Click the Closed Book icon to open it. An Open Book icon appears, listing its Content Topics below the icon. If a single-column topic appears without the left-side navigation functions, click the Show Navigation button to show the left-side navigation and search functions. Any topic can be saved to the Favorites Listing (described below) for rapid access. Click the top-right Printer icon to print the topic to an attached local or network printer.
Search Tab – The Search tab provides a search field for user entry of a keyword, phrase, or topic. Enter the term in the search field and click Go!. The search results appear in left-side Rank Title listing as Topic Links. Click a Topic Link of interest and the Topic appears in the in the right-side window with the search term highlighted.
Keyboard: ALT + 8, then 1
MENU BAR | Help | Browse Help
Context Sensitive Help Command
Select displays the context-sensitive help page based on the current right-side menu or topic. This is typically accessed by pressing the front panel Help key. Once enabled, a context-sensitive help page is displayed for each menu selected.
Front Panel Key: Help
Keyboard: ALT + 8, then 2
MENU BAR | Help | Context Sensitive Help | User Interface Reference -or- Calibration & Measurement
About VectorStar Command
Select displays the ABOUT VECTORSTAR dialog box with typical information as shown below. To access:
Keyboard: ALT + 8, then 3
MENU BAR | Help | About VectorStar...
The dialog box provides instrument configuration information. Click OK to close the dialog box. The following information is provided:
Copyright Statement
Software Version
DSP Version
Model # (Model Number)
SerNum# (Serial Number)
Simulation Mode – Either True or False, depending upon whether the application is being run in simulation mode on a PC (True), or on a VectorStar VNA (False).
Max. Num Points Allowed (Maximum number of points allowed in current mode)