VectorStarâ„¢ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer Operation Manual : User Interface Display : Using Dialog Boxes
Using Dialog Boxes
Most dialog boxes are standard Microsoft dialog boxes and appear in the center of the display area.
Dialog Box Example
1. SELF TEST dialog prior to starting tests (at left).
2. SELF TEST dialog box after tests with result of Self Test Passed (at right).
Standard Dialog Box Buttons
Most dialog boxes also have some combination of standard buttons for OK, Cancel, and Save. Other buttons and types of buttons may be present. Within dialog boxes are Dialog Box Areas that are usually named for the options that can be selected or the information that is displayed. For example, in the figure above, test status and completion messages are displayed in the Self Test Message area. Most Dialog Box Areas are delimited by a line, box, or shadowbox that contains the information or settings for a series of common attributes. If the area is named in the dialog box, that name is used in any related procedures. If the area is not named, the area is named for the first data or input field. Some dialog boxes have links that call sub-dialog boxes.