Spectrum Analyzer Measurement Guide for Anritsu RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : AM/FM/PM Analyzer (Option 509) : Audio Demod AM Menu

Audio Demod AM Menu
Key Sequence: Measure or (Shift + 4) > Audio Demod
On Off
Press to turn On and Off the auto demodulation function. The current state (On or Off) is underlined on the submenu key.
Demod Type
Press to select the type of desired demodulation: AM, USB, or LSB. The selection toggles through the choices, and the current setting is underlined on the submenu key.
Demod Time
Press to set the demodulation time. If you use the numeric keypad to enter a value, then the submenu keys change to Time in units of min, s, ms, or µs. Demodulation time denotes the audio playback time. Audio playback and the graph display occur one after the other. For example, if the demodulation time is chosen as 3 seconds, then one complete sweep of graph display occurs followed by 3 seconds of audio playback, followed by one sweep of graph display, followed by 3 seconds of audio playback, and so on.
Sets the beat frequency of the oscillator to exactly set the demodulation frequency of USB and LSB signals. Displayed only when USB or LSB is selected as the Demod Type. This can also be used when demodulating CW (Morse code) signals.

Copyright 2013 Anritsu Company
Anritsu Company
10450-00041 Rev. B