This function can be called in a Visual Basic program. It demonstrates connection and setting parameters in the instrument while using Ethernet Socket protocol.
Public Sub CommunicationWithTCPIPSocket()
Const MAX_CNT = 200
Dim stat As Variant
Dim dfltRM As Variant
Dim sesn As Variant
Dim retCount As Long
Dim Buffer As String * MAX_CNT
Dim Response As String * VI_FIND_BUFLEN
Dim sInputString As String
Dim ipAddress As String
Dim Port As String
Rem Begin by initializing the system
stat = viOpenDefaultRM(dfltRM)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then
Rem Error initializing VISA...exiting
Exit Sub
End If
Rem Open communication with Ethernet Socket Protocol
Rem before open an new Ethernet session make sure session was closed
Rem NOTE: For simplicity, we will not show error checking
'address and port
'this sample address
ipAddress = ""
'For S820E port will be 9001
Port = "9001"
stat = viOpen(dfltRM, "TCPIP0::" & ipAddress & "::" & Port & "::SOCKET", VI_NULL, VI_NULL, sesn)
Rem Set some visa attributes
Rem recommandation timeout >= 90 sec
stat = viSetAttribute(sesn, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 90000)
stat = viSetAttribute(sesn, VI_ATTR_SEND_END_EN, VI_TRUE)
Rem VI_ATTR_SUPPRESS_END_EN has to set to False during Ethernet Socket communication
stat = viSetAttribute(sesn, VI_ATTR_SUPPRESS_END_EN, VI_FALSE)
stat = viClear(sesn)
Rem All commands (SCPI) must be send with linefeed
Rem during Ethernet Socket communication
Rem i.e. "vbLf" is in Visual Basic environment constant
'read back the strat frequency
sInputString = "*IDN?" & vbLf
stat = viWrite(sesn, sInputString, Len(sInputString), retCount)
Buffer = ""
stat = viRead(sesn, Buffer, MAX_CNT, retCount)
'System preset
sInputString = ":SYSTEM:PRESET" & vbLf
stat = viWrite(sesn, sInputString, Len(sInputString), retCount)
'Wait for previous operation to be completed
sInputString = "*OPC?" & vbLf
stat = viWrite(sesn, sInputString, Len(sInputString), retCount)