PIM Master™ Passive Intermodulation Analyzer with Site Master™ Cable and Antenna Analyzer and 2-Port Option Measurement Guide : Typical Analyzer Setup : Preparing Passive Intermodulation Measurements (PIM)
Preparing Passive Intermodulation Measurements (PIM)
Along with your PIM Master, you need tools and components that are provided in the accessory kit, and you need to set up the instrument for your planned measurements.
Checking Required Tools and Components
The following items are supplied with your PIM Master accessory kit or can be ordered separately as individual components. Consult your Technical Data Sheet for part numbers.
Test cable
Connector Saver (included with instrument, 7/16 DIN(f) to 7/16 DIN(m), 50 Ω adapter)
The PIM Master ships from the factory with a connector saver pre‑attached to the PIM test port connector. Typically, 500 matings is the life of a connector for PIM testing. The connector saver can remain on the PIM Master while inside the soft case or the transit case. Replace the connector saver immediately when residual PIM levels become unacceptable. The recommended torque when replacing the connector is 25 N · m (~18 lbf · ft).
RF Adapters
PIM Standard
Low PIM Load
Torque Wrenches for various connectors
Adjustable Wrench
Cleaning Kit
Setting Up the PIM Master
1. If necessary, press the Menu key and then press the PIM Analyzer icon.
2. Before calibrating the PIM Master, set the parameters for all three measurement types. This will eliminate the need for recalibrating due to changing parameters. To set up the parameters for all three measurement modes, perform the following steps.
3. Press the Measurements main menu key and then press the PIM vs. Time submenu key.
4. Press the Freq main menu key, then select the input frequencies for the F1 and F2 carriers, and then select the intermodulation order.
a. Press the Carrier F1 submenu key and set the desired frequency.
b. Press the Carrier F2 submenu key and set the desired frequency.
c. If necessary, press the Intermod Order submenu key until the desired setting is underlined (3rd, 5th, or 7th).
d. If necessary, press the Band Select submenu key until the desired High or Low setting is underlined (or one of the following with Option 194: PCS or PCS/AWS, Option 600: 1900 MHz or 600 MHz, Option 902: IM2 or GSM).
5. Press the Setup main menu key,
6. Set the Output Power level and Test Duration.
7. Press the Setup main menu key to set the power level and test duration.
8. Press the Measurements main menu key and then press the Distance‑to‑PIM submenu key.
9. Press the Setup main menu key, then the DTP Aid submenu key.
10. On the DTP Parameters screen, use the touch screen to enter or select values for Distance, Data Points, and Cable type (or enter Cable Loss and Propagation Velocity).
11. Visually inspect all RF connectors on the test instrument, test lead, PIM standard, and Low PIM Load. Clean connections each day prior to first use.
Save your instrument settings in a setup file to allow easy recall of frequently used settings.