Remote Spectrum Monitors : Supplemental Information
Supplemental Information
Configuring for Static IP through SCPI Commands
To change from DHCP to Static IP, send these commands to port 9001 of the instrument’s dynamic IP address:
1. Set the static values of the Ethernet configuration that are used when DHCP is OFF:
SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:CONFig <Static IP>,<Static Gateway>, <Static Subnet>
The <Static IP>, <Static Gateway>, and <Static Subnet> must be enclosed in quotes like the following example:
2. Confirm the static IP settings by querying the static Ethernet configuration:
3. Turn off DHCP and set the instrument to static IP mode:
4. Reboot the instrument.
FTP Access
A FTP server has been included in the instrument to allow user access to files stored on the instrument or in a USB drive connected to the instrument. To access the FTP server, use a FTP client of choice and enter the IP address of the instrument as the host. The user name is “ftp” and the password is the serial number of the instrument. The serial number can be obtained through SCPI using the “*IDN?” command.
System Override
In the event that the instrument does not respond to SCPI commands (due to circumstances like a long sweep used in conjunction with *OPC?) and needs to be reset remotely, the system override feature can be used. System override can be accessed through TCP port 8001 of the instrument. All commands except a password reset will require the instrument’s password to be sent. The default password for an instrument is the MAC address interleaved with the word “system” between MAC address pairs. As an example, an instrument with the MAC address “1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:6f” will have a default password of “1as2by3cs4dt5ee6fm”. Currently, system override only supports three commands as described below:
1. Reboot the instrument:
To reboot the instrument, send the following string to the instrument through port 8001:
Replace <instrument_password> with the password of the instrument. After the command has been sent, the instrument will respond with “ok” if the command has been successfully processed. If the password is incorrect, “password_match_fail” will be returned.
2. Set a new password:
To set a new password for the instrument, the following string should be sent through port 8001:
Note that the max length of a password is 50 characters. If the new password has been successfully set, “ok” will be returned. If the password is too long, a “password_over_50_characters_fail” will be returned. If the old password does not match, a “password_set_fail” message will be returned.
3. Reset the password:
In the case where the system override password needs to be reset to default, the following command can be sent through port 8001:
Note that this command DOES NOT require the instrument password. If the password has been successfully reset, “ok” will be returned.
If an improperly formatted command is sent to the instrument, a “command_match_fail” will be sent back.