Remote Spectrum Monitor User Guide : SCPI SPA Commands : :FETCh Subsystem
:FETCh Subsystem
This set of commands returns the most recent measurement data of the active measurement. They will not switch to another measurement. To make a new measurement, use the INITiate command. To get new measurement data, use the READ or MEASure query commands.
Fetch Adjacent Channel Power Ratio
Returns the most recent adjacent channel power ratio measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate Data is returned as 9 comma-separated values: main channel power, absolute lower adjacent channel power, absolute upper adjacent channel power, absolute lower alternate channel power,absolute upper alternate channel power, relative lower adjacent channel power, relative upper adjacent channel power, relative lower alternate channel power,relative upper alternate channel power. If the measurement is not enabled with [:SENSe]:ACPower:STATe then, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan"
:FETCh:AMPLitude? <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
Fetch Amplitude
Returns the amplitude at the given frequency. The command does not wait for the sweep to complete. If the trace data at the requested frequency is invalid (or out of span) then NAN is returned and error code -230 is indicated.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
Fetch Channel Power and Density
This command returns the most recent channel power measurement results: channel power and channel power density. If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.Data is returned as 2 comma-separated values: channel power, channel power density.If the measurement is not enabled with [:SENSe]:CHPower:STATe then, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan"
Fetch Channel Power and Density
Returns the most recent channel power measurement result. It returns only the channel power, not the channel power density. Use FETCh:CHPower? to get both channel power and channel power density.If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230.This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.If the measurement is not enabled with [:SENSe]:CHPower:STATe then, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan".
Fetch Channel Power Density
Returns the most recent channel power density measurement result. It returns only the channel power density, not the channel power. Use :FETCh:CHPower? to get both channel power and channel power density. If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230.This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate. If the measurement is not enabled with [:SENSe]:CHPower:STATe then, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan".
Fetch Occupied Bandwidth
Returns a different set of measurement information depending on the suffix. The default suffix of 1 will return the most recent occupied bandwidth measurement results: occupied bandwidth, percent of power and dB down. One of either percent of power or dB down is measured and the other is set. That is determined by the value set using [:SENSe]:OBWidth:METHod. If the measurement is not enabled with :SENSe:OBWidth:STATe then, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan,nan". Using suffix 2 will return the most recent channel power, x dB bandwidth, percent bandwidth, and transmit frequency error. The channel power and occupied bandwidth measurements will be calculated regardless of CHP:STAT and OBW:STAT settings. For both suffixes, if the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Fetch Peak
Returns a pair (amplitude, frequency in Hz) of the peak amplitude in the current sweep. The command does not wait for the sweep to complete. If the trace data is invalid then both numbers in the pair will be NAN and error code -230 will be indicated.