Remote Spectrum Monitor User Guide : SCPI SPA Commands : FORMat Subsystem
FORMat Subsystem
The Format Subsystem specifies programming data format.
:FORMat[:TRACe][:DATA] <ASCii|INTeger|FLOAt|DOUBle>,
Trace Data Format
This command specifies the format in which data is returned in TRAC:DATA queries. The optional numeric parameter is needed for REAL format only. It defines the length of the floating point number in bits. Valid values are 32 and 64. If the optional numeric parameter is omitted, the default length of REAL data is set to 64 bits. ASCii format returns the data in comma-separated ASCII format. The units are the current measurement units. INTeger,32 values are signed 32-bit integers in little-endian byte order. This format returns the data in 4-byte blocks. The values are scaled by 1000, so if the current measurement units are dBm the integer values would be mdBm. For example, if the measured result was -12.345 dBm, that value would be sent as -12345. REAL,32 values are 32-bit floating point numbers conforming to the IEEE 754 standard in little-endian byte order. This format returns the data in 4-byte binary format. The units are the current measurement units. REAL,64 values are 64-bit floating point numbers conforming to the IEEE 754 standard in little-endian byte order. This format returns the data in 8-byte binary format. The units are the current measurement units.
Query Return Parameters