This subsystem contains commands related to the transfer of trace data to and from the instrument.
:TRACe:CLEar <numeric_value>
Trace Clear
This command clear the trace’s history and trace data.
All Traces Clear
This command clear all traces’ history and trace data.
:TRACe[:DATA]? <numeric_value>
Trace Data
This command transfers trace data from the instrument to the controller. Data is transferred from the instrument as an IEEE definite length arbitrary block response, which has the form <header><block>.
This command takes a single integer parameter specifying the trace number to transfer. If the parameter value is out of the range of valid trace numbers, the first trace (1) will be transferred. (Currently only one trace is supported, so this parameter has no effect).
The ASCII header specifies the number of data bytes. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>.
The first character is the literal ascii hash ’#’ 043. The second character (A) is a single ascii digit ’1’ to ’9’ describing the number of bytes in the length section (X). This number is called nlength. The next nlength bytes make up an ascii string of digits ’1’ to ’9’ describing the length of the <block> data.
For example, if the first 6 bytes are #49999, then the nlength is 4. The 4 bytes of length are 9999. After that follows the <block>, which would be 9999 bytes in size.
The format of the block data is a comma-delimited list of 32-bit real amplitudes in dBm. The number of amplitudes returned is equal to the current number of display points (DISPlay:POINtcount).
The query command will return a #0 if data is invalid for the active trace.
Sets the detection method for the specific trace. The detection type determines how the display point is derived from its associated measurements. POSitive Peak detection displays the maximum value of the associated measurements. RMS detection displays the average power of the associated measurements. NEGative Peak detection displays the minimum value of the associated measurements.
Default Value
:TRACe{[1]|2|3|4|5|6}:DISPlay[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Trace Display State
The trace visiability state. If it is OFF, the :TRAC:DATA? command will return nan.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
IQ Data
This command transfers IQ data from the instrument to the controller. Data is transferred from the instrument as an IEEE definite length arbitrary block response, which has the form <header><block>.
For a detailed Descriptionof the response format, see TRACe:IQ:DATA:FORMat?.
If IQ:MODE? is STREAM, this command will block until the next block of streaming data is available, then return it. If IQ:MODE? is SINGle, this command will return data immediately if a capture has been already completed, or it will wait for an in-progress capture to complete before returning data, or it will return #0 if a capture has never been started.
Regardless of capture mode, this command will return #0 if an error condition is encountered during an in-progress capture (see MEAS:IQ:CAPT). Clients should check the SCPI error queue with SYST:ERR:NEXT? to determine what action to take.
IQ Data Format
This command selects the data format for transferring I/Q data via the TRACe:IQ:DATA? query. Supported data formats include PACKed, which is a binary format that includes embedded timestamps, and ASCii, which is a human-readable, comma-delimited list of samples. The PACKed format is recommended for applications that require precision timestamps, high data throughput, and processing in real time, such as TDOA. The ASCii format can be much slower to transfer, but it has the advantage of being human readable.
When the data format is PACKed, TRAC:IQ:DATA? query uses SCPI standard (IEEE 488.2) definite length block data format for responses. The data format is '#AXD', where X is one or more ASCII digits specifying the number of bytes in D, and A is a single ASCII digit specifying the number of digits in X. D contains binary data. The whole 'D' part looks like 'L B', where L is an ASCII string of the form 'latitude, longitude' in decimal degrees, ' ' is a single byte newline delimiter marking the end of the GPS location component, and B is the I/Q data taken from the instrument’s RAM. The binary structure of B includes timestamps embedded within the samples and is described in detail in the I/Q Data Format Descriptiondocument published on the Library tab of this product's official web page:
The values of the GPS latitude and longitude in the header are undefined if the GPS is not actually fixed (i.e. FETCH:GPS? returns "NO FIX"). When the data format is ASCii, TRAC:IQ:DATA? query returns an definite length block data response in Comma Separated Values (CSV) Standard File Format, which is easily imported into popular spreadsheet programs:
• Each record is on one line
• Lines are separated by carriage return and line feed (CRLF)
• Fields are separated by commas
• Trailing and leading whitespace is insignificant
• No quotes, embedded commas, or embedded newlines in this output
The data format is '#AXD' where X is one or more ASCII digits specifying the number of bytes in D, and A is the number of digits in X. D contains a list of I/Q samples.
Default Value
Preset All Trace
This command preset all traces which turn Traces 2-6 off and set Trace 1 to Clear/Write, Active, Peak Detector.
:TRACe:SELect <numeric_value>
Select Trace
The selected trace will be used by operations that use a single trace.
Query Return
Default Value
1 to 1
:TRACe:STATus? <number>
Trace Status
This command returns a response of the same format as a valid TRACe[:DATA] response, except that instead of amplitude, each comma-delimited value is a decimal integer representing the bitwise-OR of one or more status bits. Each bit of the integer is set according to the table below to indicate that the corresponding trace point has the indicated status:
Decimal Value
ADC Overrange
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
LO1 Lock Failure
LO2 Lock Failure
TG LO Lock Failure
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Trace Sweep Count
The trace sweep count return current sweep count which can be useful for multiple-sweep measurements like average and min/max hold.
Specifies how successive sweeps are combined to produce the resulting display value. Setting the TYPE to NORMal will cause the displayed value for a point to be the current measured value for that point. Setting the TYPE to AVERage will cause the displayed value for a point to be the average of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt. Setting the TYPE to MAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the maximum measured value for that point over sweeps. Setting the TYPE to MINimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the minimum measured value for that point over sweeps.Setting the TYPE to RMAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the maximum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt.Setting the TYPE to RMINimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the minimum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt.