Remote Spectrum Monitor User Guide : SCPI System Commands : :FETCh Subsystem
:FETCh Subsystem
Use this command to get GPS information.
Basic GPS Information
This command returns the timestamp, latitude, and longitude of the device. The response is a comma-delimited ASCII response of one of the following forms: NO FIX or GOOD FIX,<timestamp>,<latitude>,<longitude> If no GPS fix is currently available, the first response form (NO FIX) is returned. If the GPS does have a fix, the second response form (GOOD FIX) is returned. <timestamp> is in ISO8601 format. The timestamp provides the 24-hour time, and will include the year/date and/or UTC offset if the hardware supports it. If no UTC offset is provided, the time is in UTC time. <latitude> and <longitude> are specified in decimal degrees.
Full GPS Information
This command returns the timestamp, latitude, longitude, altitude, and satellite count of the device. The response is a comma-delimited ASCII response of one of the following forms: NO FIX or GOOD FIX,<timestamp>,<latitude>,<longitude>,<altitude>,<satellites> If no GPS fix is currently available, the first response form (NO FIX) is returned. If the GPS does have a fix, the second response form (GOOD FIX) is returned. <timestamp> is in ISO8601 format. The timestamp provides the 24-hour time, and will include the year/date and/or UTC offset if the hardware supports it. If no UTC offset is provided, the time is in UTC time. <latitude> and <longitude> are specified in decimal degrees. <altitude> specifies the current altitude relative to mean sea level, in meters. <satellites> specifies an integer count of the number of satellites currently used in the fix.
Last GPS Fix
This command returns the timestamp, latitude, longitude, and altitude of the last fixed GPS result. The response is a comma-delimited ASCII response of one of the following forms: NO FIX or GOOD FIX,<timestamp>,<latitude>,<longitude>,<altitude> If a GPS fix has never been acquired, the first response form (NO FIX) is returned. If a GPS fix was previously acquired, the second response form (GOOD FIX) is returned. <timestamp> is in ISO8601 format. The timestamp provides the 24-hour time, and will include the year/date and/or UTC offset if the hardware supports it. If no UTC offset is provided, the time is in UTC time. <latitude> and <longitude> are specified in decimal degrees. <altitude> specifies the current altitude relative to mean sea level, in meters.