Remote Spectrum Monitor User Guide : SCPI System Commands : :INSTrument Subsystem
:INSTrument Subsystem
One instrument may contain many logical instruments (“modes”). This subsystem controls the selection of the current instrument mode.
:INSTrument:ACTive:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
RSM in Use
The state of this setting indicates whether the Remote Spectrum Monitor is On or Off.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return
0 | 1
Default Value
:INSTrument:APPLication:STATe <char>,<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Activate or Deactivate Application
This command turns the specified application ON or OFF. When an application is turned ON (i.e. activated), it is loaded into memory and can be used to make measurements. An application must be activated before it will respond to commands. When an application is turned OFF (i.e. deactivated), any measurements it is making are stopped and it is unloaded from memory. Attempting to turn ON the same application twice or turn OFF an application that is not currently ON is not permitted and will result in an execution error (-200). Unlike INSTrument:SELect, which selects a given application and makes it active if it is not already active, this command can be used to activate an application without selecting it. If the requested application is the selected application (which can be queried with INSTrument:SELect?), turning it OFF will cause the current application selection to automatically change to whatever active application, of those remaining, was turned ON last. For example, consider an instrument with Spectrum Analyzer, VNA, and Power Meter applications available. After the following compound command sequence INST:SEL "spa"; APPL:STAT "vna" ON; APPL:STAT "pm" ON; APPL:STAT "spa" OFF the currently selected application will be "pm". If the last active application is turned OFF, the current application selection will be reported as NONE via INSTrument:SELect?. This command takes two parameters. The first parameter is a string value that specifies which application should be turned ON or OFF. The permitted values of this parameter are the same as those used by the INSTrument:SELect command. The second parameter is a Boolean value that specifies whether the application should be turned ON or OFF. After a reset, the default selected application is always active, and all other applications are inactive.
<char>,<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
List Active Applications
This command queries all active applications. The response is returned as a comma delimeted list of application names. The application names are the same as those returned by the INSTrument:CATalog:FULL? query or used as parameters to the INSTrument:SELect command. If no applications are currently active, this query will return NONE.
Full Instrument Catalog
This query returns a list of string - number pairs. The string contains the name of the logical instrument. The immediately following NR1-formatted number is its associated logical instrument number. All response data elements are comma separated. If no logical instrument is defined, a null string followed by a zero is returned.
:INSTrument:NSELect <numeric_value>
Select Mode by Number
Sets the selected application based on the value of <integer>. The query version returns the number associated with the current application. The list of valid integers and the applications they correspond to can be queried with INSTrument:CATalog:FULL? If no applications are active, the query version of this command will return 0.
:INSTrument[:SELect] <char>
Select Mode by Name
Sets the selected application based on the application name specified by <identifier>. The <identifier> is a valid application name (character data). The list of valid application names can be queried with INSTrument:CATalog:FULL? The query version returns the name of the current application. If no applications are active, the query version of this command will return NONE.