Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : General Information : Vision Software Remote Monitoring Description
Vision Software Remote Monitoring Description
Vision software provides signal measurement data in a variety of formats including real-time spectrum trace data, spectrograms, tables and plots. In addition to interference detection, spectrum monitoring is also used to identify the types of signals present in the environment, characterize signal quality, and continuously scan frequency channels for signal activity. The Vision software application features include:
Multiple probe management
Spectrum history accumulation
Threshold setting, alarm generation, email alerts
Searchable database
Automated report generation
Geo-location for interference View real-time signal activity throughout network
Also included in this user guide:
Vision software installation instructions
Exercises that illustrate the use of vision
Vision simulator program
Geo-map creation
Occupancy report generator
IQ capture and IQ file converter
Play AM/FM demodulated signals
TDOA stand-alone application
The Vision standard programs and options provide the following functions:
Vision Acquire
Is the component that runs continuously in the background, talking with the target receivers to collect, verify, store, and archive sweep traces in a database located on the remote PC/server. Vision Acquire is also used to setup alarm notifications and to generate reports on spectrum health.
Database Creator
Create a database consisting of base stations, channel setup definitions, and mask definitions for use by Vision Trace Monitor and Vision Acquire.
Probe Simulator
The probe simulator is used to demonstrate and practice using Vision. The Simulator responds to the complete sub-set of commands that Vision uses to activate a set of remote spectrum monitors and coordinate their responses to a simulated stationary or moving target. Google Maps is loaded from the Simulator program providing visual tools for geo-locating and tracking the source. You can run multiple active simulators on the same PC with each simulator representing a different probe in a database. Each simulator can be started with a command line reference to a control file to set the sweep parameters, GPS location, installed options, and other parameters.
Vision Monitor (Option 400)
Interrogates the database where measurements are collected to show date/time stamped trace information, spectrograms, and intuitive ways to monitor for interference signals.
Vision Locate (Option 401)
Performs Geo-location for signals of interest. Algorithms used include both Power of Arrival and Time Difference of Arrival.
High-Speed Port Scanner (Option 407)
Is included with the Vision installation program. However, the Scanner can run as an independent stand-alone program for rapid scanning multiplexed RF IN ports.
AM Modulation/FM Deviation (Option 479)
Provides an AM Modulation or FM Deviation measurement on a Live signal.
Spectrum Occupancy (Option 485)
Provides an implementation that allows users to set power threshold levels to determine whether a given frequency channel is to be considered occupied.
Coverage Mapping (Option 486)
Provides a mapped travel path when monitoring a signal.
TDOA Stand-Alone Application
The TDOA Stand-Alone Application is built using the Vision API. The TDOA APP supports three triangulated receivers to perform TDOA and identify a stationary signal’s longitude and Latitude coordinates. Users can use either Google Maps™, or a bit map to provide a geographical approximation of the signals location.