Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : Vision Trace Monitor (Option 400) : Copy and Paste Functions
Copy and Paste Functions
The Copy and Paste Function allows you to copy Measurement Configuration information, Sector, Frequency, Mask, and Trace Mode information to the Vision Clipboard.
Click the Copy and Paste list arrow button to display the various copy and paste functions. Setups can be done efficiently by copying the setup of one channel to another or to multiple channels. Click on the desired Copy/Paste function. To view the information that was copied in the Vision Clipboard, click View Vision Clipboard.
Example of the Vision Clipboard Contents
Copy Selected Channel Details (Ctrl+C): Copies the details of one channel, the selected channel, to be copied to other channels using the Paste Channels Details, Paste Channel Details to Entire Column, or Paste Channel Details to Entire Column in Group functions.
Copy Selected Probe Details (All Channels) (Ctrl+B): Copies the details of the selected monitor to be copied to other monitors using the Paste Probe Details to Select Probe, Paste Probe Details to All Probes in Group, or Paste Probe Details to all Probes functions.
Paste Channel Details (Ctrl+V): Paste the information you obtained using the Copy selected Channel Details function onto the desired channel.
Paste Channel Details to Entire Column in Group: Paste the information you obtained using the Copy Selected Channel Details function onto the desired channel column in the selected channel group. Select the desired column from one probe in the group to accomplish this task.
Paste Channel Details to Entire Column: Paste the information you obtained using the Copy Selected Channel Details function onto the desired channel column.
Paste Probe Details to Select Probe (Ctrl+G): Paste the information you obtained using the Copy Selected Probe Details function onto the desired probe.
Paste Probe Details to All Probes in Group: Paste the information you obtained using the Copy Selected Probe Details function onto all monitors in the selected group. Select one monitor in the group to accomplish this task.
Paste Probe Details to All Probes: Paste the information you obtained using the Copy Selected Probe Details function onto all spectrum monitors in the spectrum monitor directory.
View Vision Clipboard: Displays the information copied using either the Copy selected Channel Details or Copy Selected Probe Details (All Channels) functions.
Copy Base Station List: (Ctrl+A) Copies the list of base stations and their channels’ passing percentage. Channels with failing percentages will be colored yellow and red. The list is placed in the Windows Clipboard in two formats - a formatted version that can be pasted into a word processor or a plain text version that can be pasted into a spreadsheet or other text based programs.
Copy Trace Image: Copies the active trace image displayed in the Trace Preview Panel to the clipboard.
Copy Spectrogram Image: Copies the all of the traces for the selected channel including those not displayed in the Spectrogram Preview Panel.
Copy Time Chart Image: Copies the full time chart regardless of the size of the Time Chart Preview Panel. The image size will match the current size of the Time Chart on screen. To capture a larger image, increase the size of the window in Vision Monitor by maximizing the window or dragging up the separator bar between the Spectrogram display and the Time Chart.
Copy Trace Data: Copies the raw numbers of the trace into the windows clipboard.
Export Trace Data: Allows the user to save the current trace to a .spa file compatible with Master Software Tools.