Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : High-Speed Port Scanner (Option 407) : Introduction : Adding Channel Parameters
Adding Channel Parameters
Add parameters to build the High Speed Port Scanner Table List. Refer to Figure: Add Channels Dialog and Table: Add Channels Parameter Description. Once the Add Channel Dialog is open:
1. Type a host name or URL address for the instrument taking measurements. If using simulator program, enter for the Host name.
2. Type or enter the number of channels to add. (For this demonstration, add 12)
3. Click the Split frequency range check box.
4. Click the Increment antenna # check box.
5. Click Add. You can add up to 500 channels.
6. Click Close.
7. Type in the sweep interval.
8. Click the Run/Stop to start button (Green “Play” button). You should see the channel power column continuously updating in 1 second intervals.
If you have a multi-port probes (i.e. MS27103A) you can add channels for all antenna ports at once, if each antenna is going to sweep a single frequency range.
If you want to scan multiple frequency ranges (channels) on individual antenna ports, add channels as sets for each antenna port.