MX280005A Vector Signal Analysis Software Help : General Information : Installing MX280005A
Installing MX280005A
Follow the steps below as a guide for proper installation.
1. Download MX280005A Vector Modulation Analysis Software from the Anritsu MS2090A product page:
In order to install the detection/tracking capability, Microsoft .NET framework 4.5.2 or higher must be installed on your PC. If .NET 4.5.2 is not present, the MX280005A software installer will prompt you to install this framework.
In some Windows installations, there may be a file missing called vcredist_x64.exe. This file is part of the Microsoft Visual C distribution. In order to use the MX280005A software, you may need to download and execute this file.
2. Click Install MX280005A.
3. Click Run to start the installation.
4. Click through the installation screens.
When the installation is complete, MX280005A becomes a user interface for making Modulation Analysis.