PowerXpert™ Help : Using the MA243x0A : Error Messages
Error Messages
Error messages are described in Table: MA243x0A Error Messages. The status LED for MA243x0A models will blink green when an error state occurs. In most cases, the error condition can be easily corrected. If the error condition cannot be corrected, note the error message and contact an Anritsu Service Center.
MA243x0A Error Messages
"Temp Change > 10 ºC after Last Zero, Zero Again"
The sensor’s ambient temperature has changed by more than 10 ºC since the last zero operation.
Perform the zero operation again.
Temp Out of Range
The sensor is operating outside of its specified range of 0 ºC to 50 ºC.
Operate the sensor within its specified range.
Remove Power from Sensor, Zero Again
This message appears if the zero operation is unsuccessful. The reason could be the presence of RF power at the input of the sensor.
Turn off the RF input to the sensor or disconnect the sensor from the RF source and try the zero operation again.
REDUCE POWER, Max Power Exceeded
This message appears on the application screen if excess power is applied to the sensor.
Reduce the input power to the sensor to within acceptable limits (< 20 dBm).