Sets the GPIB address of the attached W-Band Power Meter. Outputs the GPIB address of the attached W-Band Power Meter.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is a unitless number.
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
0 to 30
Default Value
Syntax Example
Query only. Outputs the IP address of the Ethernet interface. The setting cannot be changed by the user.
Query Parameters
<char> The output parameter can be any combination of numbers and letters.
Range to
Default Value
Varies with installation.
Syntax Example
Query only. Outputs the default Gateway of the Ethernet interface. The setting cannot be changed by the user.
Query Parameters
<char> The output parameter can be any combination of numbers and letters.
Range to
Default Value
Varies with installation.
Syntax Example
Query only. Outputs the MAC hardware address of the Ethernet interface. The setting cannot be changed by the user.
Query Parameters
<char> The output parameter can be any combination of numbers and letters.
Default Value
Varies with individual instrument.
Syntax Example
Query only. Outputs the instrument TCP/IP port address. The setting cannot be changed by the user.
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
Range to
Default Value
Varies with installation.
Syntax Example
Enters the instrument TCP/IP port address. This value is user definable. The recommended TCP/IP address should be greater than or equal to 5001. Outputs the instrument TCP/IP port address.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is a unitless number.
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
Default Value
Syntax Example
Query only. Outputs the address of the USB interface. The setting cannot be changed by the user.
Query Parameters
<char> The output parameter can be any combination of numbers and letters. The default values of '0B5B' and 'FFD0' are fixed. The unit serial number, output as a Base 10 integer, varies with each instrument.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SYSTem:DUT:PROTection[:STATe] <char>
Sets the DUT Protection on/off state. Outputs the DUT Protection on/off state.
Cmd Parameters
<char> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char> 1 | 0
Syntax Example
Clears the contents of the error queue. No query.
Cmd Parameters
Default Value
Syntax Example
Query only. Outputs the number of errors in the error queue.
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
0 to 100
Default Value
Syntax Example
Query only. Outputs the contents of the error queue.
The command turns the On-Screen Keyboard (OSK) AUTO setting ON/OFF. If AUTO is enabled, then the on-screen keyboard will be launched automatically by VectorStar whenever a keyboard is needed.
The query outputs the ON/OFF state of On-Screen Keyboard AUTO setting.
Cmd Parameters
<char> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
Query Output
<char> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
The command turns off the VNA. No query.
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters:
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SYSTem:POINt:MAXimum <char>
The command sets the maximum number of points the instrument can measure in a sweep. After changing the maximum number of points setting, an instrument reboot is required. After the command is issued and the maximum number of points changed, the instrument automatically reboots and then returns to its preset state.
VectorStar VNA Instruments in 100,000 Point Mode
If the instrument is set to 100,000 point mode:
• It will only support 1 channel and 16 traces.
• The buttons on the CHANNEL menu are not available.
• The CHANNEL drop-down menu on the Menu Bar is limited to non-channel commands.
VectorStar VNA Instruments in 25,000 Point Mode
If the instrument is in 25,000 point mode:
• It will support up to 16 channels, each with up to 16 traces.
• The CHANNEL menu buttons are available.
• The CHANNEL drop-down menu on the MENU BAR includes channel commands.
If the command requests the same number of points as the current instrument mode, no reboot is initiated.
*RST and Point Mode
The *RST command does not reset the instrument maximum point mode. For Syntax Example, when the instrument is in 100,000 point mode, the *RST command does not reset the number of points to 25,000.
Query Output
The query outputs current setting of the maximum number of points available in the instrument. If 25,000 is set, 25000 is returned. If 100,000 is set, 100000 is returned.
Cmd Parameters
<char> 25000 | 100000
Query Parameters
<char> 25000 | 100000
Default Value
Syntax Example
Instrument is running in factory default mode of up to 25,000 points with up to 16 channels, and up to 16 traces on each channel.
The instrument reboots itself. When the reboot is complete, the instrument is set to 100,000 maximum points with 1 channel and up to 16 traces.
To return the instrument to 25,000 maximum points with up to 16 channels, each with up to 16 traces:
The instrument reboots itself. When the reboot is complete, the instrument is set to 25,000 maximum points, with up to 16 channels, each with up to 16 traces.
If the command is issued for the same number of points as the current instrument mode, no reboot is provided.
No reboot.
Query only. The query outputs the number of instrument test ports.
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters
<NR1> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SYSTem:PORT{1-4}:REFerence:ATTenuation <NRf>
The command sets the reference attenuation value on the indicated port. The query outputs the reference attenuation value on the indicated port. The VNA must have Option 6x installed.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in dB.
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is in dB.
0 to 60 dB in 10 dB increments
Default Value
0 dB
Syntax Example
:SYSTem:PORT{1-4}:TEST:ATTenuation <NRf>
The command sets the test attenuation value on the indicated port. The query outputs the test attenuation value for the indicated port. The VNA must have Option 6x installed.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in dB.
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is in dB.
0 to 60 dB in 10 dB increments
Default Value
0 dB
Syntax Example
:SYSTem:POWerup:FILe <string>
The command sets the file path for the .cha power up configuration file to use on power up. The query outputs the file path of the .cha used for power up configuration.
<char> Filename and path in the form: x:\directory\filename.cha.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SYST:POW:FIL 'C:\filepath\filename.cha'
:SYSTem:POWerup:TYPe <char>
The command sets the power up instrument state to reset, last, or user defined. If USER is selected, a previously saved user-defined power up configuration file must exist and be stored on the instrument hard disk drive. The query outputs the power up instrument state as reset, last, or user defined.
Cmd Parameters
<char> RESET | LAST | USER
Query Parameters
<char> RESET | LAST | USER
Default Value
Syntax Example
The command performs an instrument preset. This is the same function as provided by the front panel Preset key, or the ICON TOOLBAR | Preset icon, or the MENU BAR | Utilities | Preset command. No query. The type of preset performed depends on the type of preset set with the :SYSTem:PREset:TYPE command as either RESET or USER.
PRESet with RESET Set
If RESET has been is selected, the instrument returns to its factory as-shipped configuration, typically displaying one channel and four traces set to:
• Trace 1 (Tr1) set to S11 and a Smith Chart Impedance display.
• Trace 2 (Tr2) set to S12 and a dual rectangular display showing Log Magnitude and Phase graphs.
• Trace 3 (Tr3) set to S21 and a dual rectangular display showing Log Magnitude and Phase graphs.
• Trace 4 (Tr4) set to S22 and a Smith Chart Impedance display.
• Clears any user-defined segmented limit lines.
If USER has been selected, the instrument returns to a previously user-defined configuration state saved in either an All Channel Setup and Cal (CHA) file or in a All Channel Setup (STA) file.
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SYSTem:PRESet:FILe <string>
The commands sets the file path for the .cha file to use on preset. The query outputs the file path for the CHA file used for preset.
<char> Filename and path in the form: x:\directory\filename.cha.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SYST:PRES:FIL 'C:\directory\filename.cha'
:SYSTem:PRESet:TYPe <char>
The command sets the preset type to RESET, RESET0 (reset zero), or USER. The query outputs the selected preset type. The different preset types provide the following functions:
• USER – If the USER type is selected, a previously saved user-defined preset file must exist on the instrument disk drive. Once set, issuing a :SYSTem:PRESet command returns the instrument to the user-defined configuration. The user-defined preset file name is set using the :SYSTem:PRESet:FILe command.
• RESET – If the RESET type is selected, issuing a :SYSTem:PRESet command returns the instrument to the factory as-shipped configuration.
• RESET0 – If the RESET0 type is selected, issuing the :SYSTem:PRESet command clears the instrument memory of all calibration kit settings, calibrations, configurations, channel configurations, trace configurations, and other similar settings and returns the instrument to a factory as-shipped state. Functionally, issuing a :SYSTem:PRESet:TYPe RESET0 command followed by a :SYSTem:PRESet command is the same as issuing a :SYSTem:PRESet:ZERo command. Note that the RESET0 parameter does not delete any files. See the :SYSTem:PRESet:ZERo command description for a complete listing of included and excluded preset elements.
The preset type can also be configured by from the front panel by:
• Navigating to MAIN | System | SYSTEM | Setup | SETUP | Preset Setup | PRESET SETUP
• On the PRESET SETUP menu, selecting either Default, Default 0, or Saved Setup.
• If Saved Setup is to be used, the user-defined configuration file must be saved to the instrument solid-state drive. Then select the Select Saved Setup File button and select the desired user-defined preset file. Then select Saved Setup.
A preset can also be executed from the front panel by doing one of the following actions:
• Pressing the front panel Preset key.
• Selecting the ICON TOOLBAR | Preset icon.
• Selecting the MENU BAR | Utilities | Preset command.
Cmd Parameters
<char> RESET | RESET0 | USER
Query Parameters
<char> RESET | RESET0 | USER
Default Value
Syntax Example
The command performs a Reset Zero which does not delete any files, but clears the instrument memory of all calibration kit settings, calibrations, configurations, channel configurations, trace configurations, and other similar settings and returns the instrument to a factory as-shipped state described in the command :SYSTem:PRESet. No query.
Similar to *RST
Similar to the *RST command, :SYST:PRES:ZER resets the instrument to a pre-defined condition with all user programmable command parameters set to their default values. These default parameter values are listed under each SCPI command in this manual.
Included Preset Conditions with :SYST:PRES:ZER
Except for the Command Parameters explicitly excluded in the next section, the :SYST:PRES:ZER command does the following:
• Sets the device-specific functions to a known state that is independent of the past-use history of the device;
• Device specific commands may be provided to program a different reset state than the original factory-supplied one;
• Clears any user-defined segmented limit lines;
• Sets the macro defined by *DDT to a device-defined state;
• Disables macros;
• Forces the device into the OCIS state (Operation Complete Command Idle State);
• Forces the device into the OQIS state (Operation Complete Query Idle State).
Excluded Preset Conditions with :SYST:PRES:ZER
The :SYST:PRES:ZER command DOES NOT make the following changes:
• Does not change the state of the IEEE 488.1 interface;
• Does not change the selected IEEE 488.1 address of the device;
• Does not change the Output Queue;
• Does not change any Event Enable Register settings including the Standard Event Status Enable Register settings;
• Does not change any Event Register setting including the Standard Event Status Register settings;
• Does not change the power-on-status-clear flag setting; and
• Does not change the Service Request Enable Register.
Cmd Parameters
Default Value
Syntax Example
Outputs the 10 MHz reference type (internal or external). Query only.
INT = Internal
EXT = External
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters
<char> INT | EXT
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SYSTem:RETRace:RF[:STATe] <char>
The command toggles the retrace RF energy state on or off. The default normal RF Retrace State is OFF.
RF Retrace OFF – Normal Operation
During normal operation, the VNA makes a sweep from the lowest to the highest point and the starts over again at the lowest point. During the start over or retrace period or when switching bands, the RF energy is blanked.
The best is to operate totally within an oscillator band so that the forward portion and retrace can step through the same frequency list either forward or backward and there is no loss of RF energy. With RF Retrace OFF, the VNA provides good leveling performance and spur rejection.
RF Retrace ON – AGC Circuits
For faster sweep measurement response and/or increased protection in DUTs with AGC (automatic gain control) circuits, this command sets the RF Retrace State to ON. With this setting, the RF energy status remains on during the sweep, during band changes, and during the sweep reset from highest point to lowest point.With RF Retrace ON, the VNA does not offer less leveling performance and spur rejection.