VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer User Interface Reference : Scale Menus : SCALE Phase Menu
SCALE Phase Menu
SCALE Phase Menu
Menu Identification
The appearance and button availability of the SCALE menu depends on the settings on the DISPLAY menu. Consult Scale Menus Appearance, Common Buttons, and Units for SCALE menu identification and prerequisites.
MAIN | Scale | SCALE
SCALE Phase Menu 
SCALE (Phase) Menu
This menu is available when TRACE FORMAT is set to Phase. Button units are set to:
Button Units: º (Degrees)
Resolution (Degs/Div)
Select displays the Resolution (Degrees/Division) toolbar with units in degrees per division.
Resolution (Degs/Div) Field Toolbar
Reference Value (Degrees)
Select displays the Reference Value (Degrees) toolbar.
Reference Value (Degree) Field Toolbar
Reference Position (Number)
Select displays the Reference Position toolbar.
Reference Position (Number) Field Toolbar
Wrap Setup (Degrees)
Select opens the Wrap Setup menu and allows the user to toggle wrapping On and Off, and define the phase offset in degrees which, when selected, displays the Wrap Offset field toolbar. See the WRAP Setup Menu.
Wrap Offset (Degrees) Field Toolbar
Additional Common Buttons
WRAP Setup Menu
The WRAP SETUP submenu is linked to the:
SCALE Phase Menu
SCALE Log Magnitude and Phase Menu
SCALE Linear Magnitude and Phase Menu
The Wrap Setup menu is only available if the Trace Format in the DISPLAY menu is set to one of these parameters.
Display Menus
SCALE Phase Menu
SCALE Log Magnitude and Phase Menu
SCALE Linear Magnitude and Phase Menu
MAIN | Scale | SCALE Phase | Wrap Setup | WRAP SETUP
MAIN | Scale | SCALE Log Magnitude and Phase | Wrap Setup | WRAP SETUP
MAIN | Scale | SCALE Linear Magnitude and Phase | Wrap Setup | WRAP SETUP
Wrap Setup Menu
Wrapping (On/Off)
Select toggles phase wrapping on and off, with the current state displayed in the button field.
Wrap Offset (Degrees)
Select displays the Wrap Offset field toolbar where the user can define the phase offset in degrees from 0 degrees to 360 degrees.
Wrap Offset (Degrees) Field Toolbar