The commands in this section apply to the Vector Voltmeter (VVM) mode.
Query Description
Returns the measurement data in comma separated values depending upon the measurement type and the measurement format. If no signal is detected, query returns a blank string.
To fetch the VVM measurement data:
:FETCh:VVM:MEASurement#? ABSolute|RELative
Query Description
Returns the absolute or relative data at a specified measurement location in the table display format. Data must be memorized to that location before it can be returned. If no signal is detected, query returns a blank string.
To fetch the absolute data memorized at measurement location 2:
Replace ’#’ with the required measurement number in the table.
Query Description
Returns the reference data in comma separated values depending upon the measurement type and the measurement format. If no reference was saved, query returns a blank string.
To fetch the VVM reference data:
Cmd Description
Command sets the sweep state between run and hold. This command is ignored in external trigger mode.
Query Description
Query returns the sweep state, run or hold. Query returns 1 for hold mode, and returns 0 for run mode.
Param Range
Default Value
To set the sweep state to hold:
Cmd Description
Command sets the source power level. Default is high.
Query Description
Query returns the source power level, LOW or HIGH.
To set source power to low:
Query Description
Queries sweep status. This is used in combination with :INITiate[:IMMediate]. Sweep complete bit is the bit 8. Query returns 256 if sweep has completed. Otherwise, it returns 0.
To query sweep status:
Cmd Description
Clears and restarts averaging of the measurement data.
To clear and restart averaging of the measurement data:
[:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt <integer>
Cmd Description
Command sets number of sweeps to be averaged. When number of sweep averaging is set to be greater than 1, averaging is turned on.
Query Description
Query returns the number of sweeps to be averaged.
Param Range
1 to 100
Default Value
To set the number of sweep averaging to 10:
Query Description
Query returns the state of calibrated measurements depending on the calibration collection type. 0 means no calibration was done. For calibration types RFP1 & RRP1, return value is 1. For calibration types TRFP & TRES, return value is 4. For calibration types 2PFP & 2PES, return value is 5.
To query state after calibration is completed:
[:SENSe]:CORRection:CKIT:CATalog:FULL? {1|2}
Query Description
Query returns the available calibration kits for the selected port. The available ports depend on the calibration collection type.
Param Type
Param Description
Optional Param: Port number
Param Range
To get the available cal-kits for port 1:
In Cable & Antenna Analyzer and Vector Volt Meter modes, only port 1 is available for calibration. In Vector Network Analyzer mode, port 1 and port 2 are available for calibration.
[:SENSe]:CORRection:CKIT:DATA? {1|2}
Query Description
Query returns the calibration kit data as a comma-delimited string with description-value pairs for the selected port. The available ports depend on the calibration collection type.
Param Type
Param Description
Optional Param: Port number, default is 1.
Param Range
To get the cal-kit data for port 1:
In Cable & Antenna Analyzer and Vector Volt Meter modes, only port 1 is available for calibration. In Vector Network Analyzer mode, port 1 and port 2 are available for calibration.
Command sets the calibration kit for the selected port. The available ports depend on the calibration collection type. Before setting the calibration kit, make sure the device is set to the appropriate connector type (refer [:SENSe]:CORRection:COLLect:CONNector#). A mismatch between the connector type and the given calibration kit will result in a command error.
Query Description
Query returns the calibration kit for the selected port.
Param Type
Param Description
Calibration kit name
To set the cal-kit for the connector at port 1:
Replace ’#’ with the required port number. Advanced/Classic Cable & Antenna Analyzer and Vector Volt Meter modes support only one port. Vector Network Analyzer mode supports two ports.
Query returns 1 if a specified cal step is completed. Otherwise, query returns 0. If no query parameters are provided, then the last cal step status is returned. If no cal was performed, then the query returns 0. For cal step OPEN|SHORT|SHORT1|SHORT2|LOAD|ZERo, use port numbers 1 and 2. For cal step THRu|ISOLation, use 1 for forward path, 2 for reverse path, and 3 for both forward and reverse paths.
Param Type
Character, Integer
Param Description
Param1: Cal step to perform, Param2: Port number or forward/reverse path
NMALe|NFEMale|KMALe|KFEMale|716Male|716Female|TNCMale|TNCFemale|SMAMale|SMAFemale|USR1|USR2|USR3|USR4|USR5|USR6|USR7|USR8|USR9|USR10 for Coax; WG11|WG12|WG13|WG14|WG15|WG16|WG17|WG18|WG20|WG22|USR1|USR2|USR3|USR4|USR5|USR6|USR7|USR8|USR9|USR10 for Waveguide
Default Value
NMAL for S820E with option 708 or 714. KFEM for S820E with option 720, 730 or 740.
To set connector type for port 1 to 716 female:
Replace ’#’ with the required port number. Advanced/Classic Cable & Antenna Analyzer and Vector Volt Meter modes support only one port. Vector Network Analyzer mode supports two ports.
Query Description
Query returns 0 if calibration is not in progress, 1 if calibration is in progress, 2 if calibration was aborted, 3 if cal-coefficients are being calculated, or 4 if calibration has completed.
To query calibration progress status:
Cmd Description
Perform ’Load’ step of calibration.
To measure load:
[:SENSe]:CORRection:COLLect:MEDium COAX|WGUide
Cmd Description
Command sets calibration medium type.
Query Description
Query returns calibration medium type.
Param Range
Default Value
To set medium type to WGUide:
Cmd Description
Perform ’Open’ step of calibration.
To measure open:
Cmd Description
Complete an RF Cal and perform coefficient calculation.
To complete a RF calibration and perform coefficient calculation:
Command performs a calibration step with the given two parameters. For cal step OPEN|SHORT|SHORT1|SHORT2|LOAD|ZERo, use port numbers 1 and 2. For cal step THRu|ISOLation, use 1 for forward path, 2 for reverse path, and 3 for both forward and reverse paths.
Query Description
Query returns the last measurement performed, which includes cal step and port number. If no cal step was done, query returns "NONE, 0".
Param Type
Character, Integer
Param Description
Param1: Cal step to perform, Param2: Port number or forward/reverse path