Mobile InterferenceHunter Help : MIH Graphical User Interface : Signal Display Windows : Color Power Meter and Power Scale
Color Power Meter and Power Scale
The color power scales provide a color readout with the power meter readout to indicate the approximate power level at a glance.
Power Meter and Power Color Scale
1. Real-Time Power Meter Color Scale Window
2. Power Level Color Scale Window
Color Power Meter Scale
This signal Real-time Power Meter updates are limited by the instruments sweep time and is available to see immediate power levels. Since the data collection rate is slower, this is useful to observe the actual received power level without waiting for the screen to update with a new point saved to the active data set. The current power level color correlates with the color power scale to the right. For example, if the power meter reading was –10 dBm, then the power meter color would show a green color scheme as this is the color scheme indicated by the color scale to the right. If the power meter measured –90 dBm, the power meter color would be red color scheme.
Color Power Level Scale
The power scale displays the current color coding for the active data set. This color coding is used in coloring the breadcrumbs on the screen. The color scale changes as you accumulate data. The scaling in this window also indicates the power scale used in both the real-time Power Meter and the Power vs. Time bar graph as well as the color for the breadcrumbs.
Right-click the colored power scale opens the menu shown in Figure: Power Level and Color Control.
Power Level and Color Control
Displays the default color scale as shown in Figure: Power Meter and Power Color Scale.
Auto adjust power levels to view the full spectrum of power levels in the channel power window.
Upper Value
Opens a dialog box to type in the upper power level of the color scale.
Lower Value
Opens a dialog box to type in the lower power level of the color scale.
Color Map
Click to change the power level color scheme as shown in Figure: Power Level Color Control.
Show Color in Power Indicator
Displays power level color in the real-time power scale window.
Power Level Color Control