Mobile InterferenceHunter Help : Hunting Interference Signals : Flux Density
Flux Density
The MS2090A Field Master Pro spectrum analyzer must be used when measuring flux density. MIH measures and displays the flux density of the power/m2/ MHz (dBm/m2/MHz) or (dBW/m2/MHz).
Connect to Measure Flux Density
To measure flux density, you must connect to the MS2090A. From the Settings menu, click Spectrum Analyzer Connection as shown in Figure: Connect to Measurement Source.
Connect to Measurement Source
The MIH Connection Setup dialog appears as shown in Figure: MIH Connection Setup Dialog.
MIH Connection Setup Dialog
Testing the connection must be complete before the MIH identifies and uses the MS2090A spectrum analyzer.
1. Type the IP address of the MS2090A.
2. Click Test Connection.
The connection status will indicate Passed of Failed. If the Test Connection indicates Failed, troubleshoot the failed connection and retry. The flux density measurement options will only be available with the MS2090A when connection is complete and Passes.