Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : Create a Database : Types of Databases : Create a Definition File (.def) or Database File (.mdb) Using a Database File
Create a Definition File (.def) or Database File (.mdb) Using a Database File
Create a database file using information from a previously created database file .mdb.
1. Refer to The Create Database Toolbar.
2. Click Load on the Toolbar.
The Open dialog is displayed.
3. Confirm or click Vision Database files (BaseStationMonitor.mdb) as the file type to be used.
4. In the directory, locate and click the database .mdb, file.
5. Click Open. Data from the database file for Probe Installation Details, Channel Definitions, and Mask Definitions loads into the Create Database program.
6. Edit the information as desired.
7. Click once on an entry to edit.
8. Click the (+) button to add a new item to the category.
9. Highlight a line and click (X) to delete the line from a category.
10. Click Create to create a new database file. Or, click Save to save the information as a definition file.
A new database will be created in the directory set using the Path button.