Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : Create a Database : Types of Databases : Create a Database Manually
Create a Database Manually
This is useful in creating a database for a small number of base stations.
1. Refer to The Create Database Toolbar.
2. Click New on the Toolbar. The New Database Description dialog opens.
3. Click Manual entry of base station details.
4. Enter the information for the number of base stations to create, base station name, base station host name.
In the Probe Name and Host Name fields, you can enter '[nn]' to add sequential numbering, or enter '[nn:m]' to add sequential numbering starting at number 'm'. For example, entering 'St. Louis [nn:5]' in the Probe Name field will produce a series of probes whose names are 'St. Louis 5', 'St. Louis 6', etc.
5. Set the parameters for the base stations under Channel Description.
6. Click OK.
The New Database Description dialog closes and the information you entered is used to populate the Probe Installation Details and Channel Details Definitions tables. You must have Latitude and Longitude coordinates in order to create the database. If you don’t have Latitude and Longitude coordinates, use the Locate button to capture the GPS location from the probes directly only if Host Names are valid.
7. Edit the information as desired.
8. Click once on the desired entry to edit.
9. Click the (+) to add a new item to the category.
10. Highlight a line and click the (X) to delete the line from a category.
11. Click Create to create a new database.
The database file is placed into the directory previously set using the Path button.