Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : Vision Trace Monitor (Option 400) : Lower Limit Lines
Lower Limit Lines
Another feature in Vision is the ability to have both upper and lower limit lines in Pass/Fail masks. Only segmented limit lines can be set as a ‘lower’ limits. Trace masks form upper limits only.
Set up the Lower Limit lines from the limit line editor as before. There is a fourth column now in the segment table. This column shows an arrow, pointed either up or down, indicating the direction of that segments’ limit as shown in Figure: Vision - Limit Line Editor.
Vision - Limit Line Editor
Vision Segment Editor
In Vision Segment Editor, all segments start as upper limit lines. Use the dialog box shown in Figure: Vision - Segment Editor to edit the limit line. There are two methods available to show the Vision Segment Editor.
1. Double click an entire line from the Segment List.
2. Click a line from the segments list and click the “edit selected segment” icon from the Segmented Tool Bar (See Table: Segmented Toolbar Icons).
This action will flip the arrow and change the color of the line: green for upper and blue for lower.
Vision - Segment Editor