Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : Vision Trace Monitor (Option 400) : Trace Mask
Trace Mask
The Limit Line Editor Trace Mask user interface is shown in Figure: Vision - Limit Line Editor (Segmented).
Vision - Limit Line Editor (Segmented)

1. Toolbar
2. Masks List
3. How to Edit Limit Line Dialog
4. Trace Scrollbar
5. RF Spectrum
6. Mask Limit Line
Trace Mask Toolbar
The Limit Line Editor Trace Mask Toolbar is shown in Table: Segmented Toolbar Icons.
Segmented Toolbar Icons
Save: Click to save.
Import Mask
Imports a mask from another database into the Limit Line Editor. The Open window displays the Documents Library. Navigate to the desired folder and type or enter a mask file (.msk). Click Open. Import and Export Masks are used for moving the list of masks between databases, and are not required to load or save masks in the current database.
Export Masks
Saves the current mask to another database. The Save As window displays the Documents Library. Navigate to the desired folder to save the mask file (.msk). Click Save.
Add new limit line
Opens the dialog Create New Mask as shown below. Enter a mask name in the entry window. Click OK. It will be added to the list of masks under Mask name and its segment parameters listed in the same row with its respective values.
Duplicate Masks
Click to show Duplicate Mask dialog box as shown below. Type a name of the duplicated mask and then click OK.
Cut (Delete) Masks
Highlight Mask and click delete to remove from list.
Mask Smoothing
Determines how jagged or how smooth the mask is over the trace. Click the list arrow. Enter the desired smoothing number. The higher the number results in a smoother mask.
Mask Offset
Place the mask closer or further away from the trace by changing the offset distance. The lower the value, the closer the mask is to the trace.
Max Hold on all traces in reference set
Click to activate the Max Hold function. Displays the cumulative maximum value of each point over multiple trace sweeps. A typical application for employing Max Hold is to first set up your Envelope segment lines (see feature immediately below). Then activate the Max Hold feature. You can then scroll through the trace measurements and observe that all traces under consideration would pass.
Create mask over current trace data
Click to immediately create an envelope of segments around the trace. You may have to use the other editing tools to create the correct mask. You can also use the mouse drag feature to move a segment around.
Trace Scrollbar
The Limit Line Editor trace scrollbar, see Figure: Vision - Limit Line Editor (Segmented), is a user tool for scrolling through the stored traces in the database of the selected target receiver Channel. Scrolling the trace view window sequences the time stamp readout that in turn provides a snapshot of the trace image at the date and time displayed. A typical use would be to click the Max Hold button from the toolbar. See the Max Hold description in Table: Segmented Toolbar Icons. Click Max Hold will hold on all the traces available to scroll through.