Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : Vision Trace Monitor (Option 400) : Trace Mask : New Mask Setup
New Mask Setup
Create a Mask to set up limit lines.
1. Check the Unlock sweep parameters box.
This allows parameter changes and editing.
2. Click Mask Editor to open the Limit Line Editor.
3. Use the tools in the toolbar to create a mask.
Existing Mask Setup
Edit masks to add or change existing masks.
1. Click the down arrow for the Mask to display the list of masks.
2. Highlight and click on the desired mask.
3. Use the tools in the toolbar to edit a mask.
Next to the Mask Editor button is the Apply Mask To button. Click to open the Apply Mask To dialog. You can apply the selected mask in the limit line list to historical trace data in the database. You can choose to apply the mask to the selected channel, the current base station, all channels in the column or all channels in the table. Masks can also be applied to channels within a group or base stations within a groups. When a mask is applied to trace history, the status of previously collected traces is updated as are pass/fail statistics for the channels affected. Changing the mask in the list affects future traces acquired, but not the status of traces already stored in the database. To summarize:
To change the mask only for future traces, change the mask without clicking on Apply.
To change the mask for both past traces and for future traces, click on Apply.
Refer to Mask Limit Line Editor for more mask editing information.