Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : High-Speed Port Scanner (Option 407) : Options and Settings
Options and Settings
The Options and Settings dialog provides the tools to organize, operate, edit, and view the HSPS parameters in the select display. Once opened, the Options and Settings dialog appears as shown in Figure: Options and Settings Dialog.
Options and Settings Dialog
Save On Event
Save On Event controls when data is written to the output file. Click the desired event check box.
Every sweep to file
Saves measurement after every sweep. Note that files get very large very quickly if you are sweeping often and saving all of the measurement data.
Limit violations only
Saves measurement data when a limit line is violated.
Do not store sweep data
Visually monitor the scan results. No data is stored.
File Delimiter
File Delimiter controls the character used in the output file to separate fields in each record. Separations are:
Save GPS location in measurement file check box
Saves the GPS location in the data file.
Save Sweep Trace data in output file check box
The Save Sweep Trace option will write out the trace data each time a measurement is saved to the output file. This causes the output file to grow very rapidly, but it is nice to have when you go back to look at the measurements.
Begin Scanning On System Startup check box
This requires running the HSPS application to be run as administrator. The check box will be unavailable otherwise and this feature will not be enabled.
Will place a Windows short-cut in the Startup folder of the PC. This will cause High-Speed Port Scanner to run automatically every time the computer is started.
Start scanning after
Type or enter the delay time in seconds after startup to start scanning the channels.
Reload Last Configuration File
This will cause High-Speed Port Scanner to reload the last used configuration file whenever the program restarts.
Begin Scanning on System Startup and click Reload Last Configuration. You cannot begin scanning automatically if you do not reload a configuration file. Therefore, changing either of these settings may also change the other. (You can reload without restarting the scan, but you cannot restart the scan without reloading the configuration).
Display Table List Columns
Click the parameters from the Table Display Columns menu to be displayed in the Trace View window as shown in Figure: Table List. Each data collection item checked from the scroll-bar menu becomes available to view as a column in the Trace View table. Each column displays the data for each active channel. Click the Select All check box to select all the items in the Trace View table.
RSSI Value
Select from the pull-down Channel Power or Peak Power. Click the RSSI (P vs T) View icon in the toolbar to display the sweeping PvT plots as selected.
Auto-save RSSI images
Select from the pull-down: JPG, PNG, GIF or BMP. The images are saved at a user defined rate as determined by the sweep time interval and the RSSI collection rate. For example, start scanning at a 3600 second rate with a sweep interval set to 1 will save an image after 1 hour.
Start a new file when file size reaches set value
Click and type or enter 10 MB, 20 MB, 50 MB, 100 MB, 200 MB, or 500 MB file size.
Start a new measurement file at set time intervals
Type or enter 1 Hour, 2 Hours, 4 Hours, 6 Hours, 8 Hours, 12 Hours, 24 Hours.
Set the minimum free space allowed before old files are deleted
Type or enter 1 GB, 2 GB, 5 GB, 10 GB, 20 GB, 50 GB, or 100 GB file size.
Minimum free space allowed before old files are deleted
Set to 1GB, 2GB, 5GB, 10GB, 20GB, 50GB, 100GB.