AeroShield™ MX280002A RF Drone Detection and Tracking Software : AeroShield Drone Detection and Tracking : AeroShield Tracking and Detection List
AeroShield Tracking and Detection List
Click the Save Event to save the tracking events to a user defined staging location. When opened, the AeroShield Tracking and Detection List provides the HTML spreadsheet shown in Figure: AeroShield Tracking and Detection List.
AeroShield Tracking and Detection List
The description of each column of the tracking list is described below:
Time In
The local time of day the tracking event began.
The time the tracking event lasted.
The center frequency of the mask violation that triggered the tracking event.
Report File
Use the option in the configuration panel to automatically generate reports.
See Report Options. If on, there will be report generating and this column will hold a link to that report. The link will fail if this file is moved to the different PC.
Track Count
The number of tracking points in the tracking event.
Trigger Probe
The RSM that detected the mask violation and triggered the tracking event. The violation only needs to be seen on a single RSM.
The sweep band that triggers the mask violation. This is normally Band 1: 2.4 GHz, or Band 2: 5.8 GHz. Band runs from 1 to 5 if all custom bands are in use.
The total distance the drone flew while being tracked. This is found by calculating the distance between each tracking point and adding those up. The smoothed tracking points are used, rather than the raw data points.