At the top left of the Map window is the Tracking Points button. Click Tracking Points shows a context menu as shown in Figure: Tracking Points Context Menu.
Tracking Points Context Menu
Show Tracking Points
Shows the tracking points on the map screen. See Figure: Map Coordinate Context Menu. The tracking points indicate the captured signal location estimate.
Highlight Last Track Point
A red bullseye is placed on the recent active tracking point.
Tracking Smoothing
Click the tracking resolution as None, Low, Medium, or High. The Tracking Smoothing in Figure: Map Coordinate Context Menu is set to medium. The smoothing line arrows indicate the direction of the drone flight path. Track smoothing does not affect the raw track point data. The level of smoothing can be adjusted any time while tracking and it will redraw the track accordingly.
Track Thickness
Click Thin, Medium, or Heavy to set the thickness of the tracking trace
Combine Points
Averages the sets of track points to create a smoother track.
• This is destructive. It averages consecutive points in sets of two, making the track smoother, but the raw track point data is lost.
Export Tracks
Exports the path coordinates to a KML file. This command creates a KML export file in PC documents folder.
Open Export Folder
Opens the Export Folder in the PC documents folder.