AeroShield™ MX280002A RF Drone Detection and Tracking Software : AeroShield Drone Detection and Tracking : Measure Distance on Map
Measure Distance on Map
To measure the distance between points on the map, right-click at a starting point and drag the mouse pointer over the map. A straight line is drawn that depicts the distance in meters between the start and end points. The distance is displayed at the top of the map as shown in Figure: Measure Distance Between Points.
Measure Distance Between Points
1. Start point
2. End Point
3. Distance Readout
Start Point
Right-Click a starting point. The starting point is indicated by the dot at he beginning of the line drawn.
End Point
Hold and drag the mouse pointer across the map to an end point. The end point is indicated by the cross at he end of the line drawn.
Distance Readout
The distance between the points is displayed in meters at the top of the map.