AeroShield™ MX280002A RF Drone Detection and Tracking Software : Track Viewer : Map Context Menu
Map Context Menu
Right-click on the Tracker Viewer map to view the context menu as shown in Figure: Tracker Viewer Map Context Dialog.
Tracker Viewer Map Context Dialog
Coordinate Format Decimal
Displays the Coordinate readout in decimal format.
Coordinate Format D.M.S
Displays the Coordinate readout in Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds format.
Copy Coordinates to Clipboard
Copies the most recent map coordinates to the clipboard and then can be saved or opened in a spreadsheet or word document.
Copy Map to Clipboard
Copies the map image to the clipboard and can then be opened in a graphics editor such as Microsoft Paint.
Import KML File
Imports a KML file from a drone controller so you can overlay tracked vs. actual. This is for testing and demonstration.
Add Probe Marker
See Add Probe Marker.
Remove All Probe Markers
If any markers have been added to a track view, click Remove All Probe Markers removes all the probe markers in the track viewer.
Add Probe Marker
Allows the manual placement of markers on the map to indicate RSM positions. Click to add a probe marker. Position the mouse pointer on the map. The coordinates readout at the top center displays the mouse pointer position. When the desired coordinate readout location is reached, click to add a probe marker as shown in Figure: Add Probe Marker.
Add Probe Marker