AeroShield™ MX280002A RF Drone Detection and Tracking Software : AeroShield Simulator Control : RSM Probe List
RSM Probe List
The RSM probe list displays each probes GPS coordinates and the power output as shown in Figure: RSM Port GPS Coordinates.
RSM Port GPS Coordinates
1. Power Column
2. GPS Coordinates Column
3. Port Column
4. Slot ID
5. Busy State
Power Column
Click the Start/Stop button to stop the simulator Source 1 and Source 2 activity. Click the power label will sweep each RSM frequency indicated in the Interferer 1 Configuration. The power of the interferer 1 frequency is then displayed for each RSM. Toggle the Start/Stop Button to Start will initiate the sweep again.
GPS Coordinates Column
This column lists the GPS coordinates of the Remote Spectrum Monitor listed in the Port Column.
Port Column
This column lists the RSM ports. Maximum number that can be added to the list is 24. Click on the Port number for one of the simulators and note that the background color changes color. This marks it as Busy.
Slot ID
The probes are named A-X with green labels along the left edge. Click a label and the label changes color. This deactivates the probe. Click again to reactivate the probe in the simulator.
Busy state
Left click an RSM activates a busy status flag. When it is set, the RSM shows ‘BUSY’ prominently on the Web GUI. This is a User setting that can be used or ignored. Right-Click to Activate/Deactivate the probe. This setting will turn off the RSM or toggle to turn back on. Position the mouse pointer over a port will display the probes configuration as shown below.