AeroShield™ MX280002A RF Drone Detection and Tracking Software : Site Planning : Introduction : Calculating an RSM Coverage Estimate
Calculating an RSM Coverage Estimate
The RSMs geographically positioned in an optimized triangular pattern perform best TDOA measurements when detecting drone signals. RSMs typically monitor an area of between 200 meters to 500 meters of distance between each RSM. The effective coverage depends on several factors which include:
Topography of area such as line of sight geographic obstacles between each RSM.
Local Environment such as tall buildings, trees, etc.
Reflective Surfaces such as nearby tin roofs, electric towers, etc.
Susceptibility to background noise such as close WiFi signals, cell towers, etc.
Click the Create a Coverage Map icon on the toolbar and the Enter Maximum Probe Separation dialog appears as shown in Figure: Create Coverage Map. Type the maximum separation estimate. The coverage range allowed is 100 meters to 1000 meters.
Create Coverage Map
1. Create Coverage Map Icon
2. Enter Maximum Probe Separation Dialog
In Figure: Create Coverage Map, a maximum separation of 350 meters had been typed into the field. The resulting separation lobe estimate is shown in Figure: RSM Coverage Mapping. In this example, the triangulated point-to-point distance between the RSMs is about 250 meters, so the geographical coverage area monitored is smaller, but a TDOA coverage estimate of 350 meters provide excellent drone detection within the monitored area.
RSM Coverage Mapping
Measuring Distance
Developing a coverage area may require repositioning or adding more RSMs using the Simulator map. The user can measure distances on the Simulator to:
Reposition the RSMs to better triangulate the coverage.
Manage point to point distances to add more RSMs.
To measure the distance between probes, right-click a probe or reference point on the Simulator map. Drag the mouse pointer across the map and a black line tracks the point of reference to the end point. In Figure: Measure Distance, a measurement readout at the bottom of the map shows the distance between the Simulator RSM probe B and RSM probe E is about 368 meters.
Measure Distance
1. Draw Line
2. Distance in Meters