PowerXpert™ Help : Upgrading Power Sensor Firmware – MA241xxA Series : MA24106A Firmware Upgrade
MA24106A Firmware Upgrade
Before launching the firmware upgrade utility, make sure that you have the firmware file available. Failure to complete the firmware installation will render the power sensor inoperable.
1. Download the latest firmware upgrade file for your sensor model from http://www.anritsu.com and save it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Anritsu\PowerXpert\Drivers.
2. Launch the Update Firmware command from the Tools menu. See Figure: Update Firmware.
Update Firmware
3. Click through and following the on-screen instructions.
Firmware Installation Dialog Screen 1
4. Continue to the next screen as shown below.
Firmware Installation Dialog Screen 2
5. Initiate the update process as follows:
Firmware Installation Dialog Screen 3
6. Click Open after selecting the file.
Verifying Location of Firmware File
7. If this is the first time you are upgrading the sensor’s firmware, the power sensor upgrade driver must be installed. In this case, the Windows Found New Hardware wizard automatically starts so the driver can be installed before the firmware upgrade can continue. If the upgrade driver has already been installed, go to Step 9 to continue firmware installation.
8. The power sensor upgrade driver installation is similar to the power sensor driver installation detailed in Installing Power Sensor Drivers. During the upgrade driver installation, Windows will ask for the path to the driver file to install mchpusb.sys (mchpusb64.sys for 64-bit systems). During this step, browse to the program installation directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Anritsu\PowerXpert\Drivers
Select the file and complete the upgrade driver installation.
Windows Locate File Dialog
9. If the upgrade driver is installed, click OK (Figure: Continuing with Firmware Update) to continue with the firmware upgrade. The Firmware Upgrade Application shown in Figure: Firmware Upgrade Application appears.
Continuing with Firmware Update
10. Select the power sensor that you intend to upgrade from the drop-down list field.
Firmware Upgrade Application
11. Click Load HEX File and select the HEX file from the directory in which it was saved.
A navigation dialog will open so you can find and select the hex file (Figure: Select Hex File Dialog).
12. Select the hex file for your sensor and click Open.
The Firmware Upgrade Application reappears (Figure: Firmware Upgrade Application).
Select Hex File Dialog
Do not disconnect the power sensor from the USB port or interrupt the firmware write sequence as this will cause an unrecoverable programming error and render the power sensor inoperable.
13. Click Program Device. The following messages will be displayed during the program operation:
MESSAGE - Programming FLASH Completed
MESSAGE - Erasing and Programming FLASH...
Firmware Upgrade Application
14. Disconnect the USB cable from the power sensor and then reconnect it.
15. Close the Firmware Upgrade Application.
The sensor should be ready to use.
16. If the status LED on the power sensor is green, the sensor is programmed successfully and the Anritsu PowerXpert application should automatically detect the upgraded sensor.