The :CALCulate{1-16}:FSIMulator:NETWork{1-50} subsystem uses existing calibration files with a simulated network of various types to evaluate predicted performance. The commands use index numbers to identify the appropriate network.
Calibration Simulation Subsystems
These subsystems are used to create a calibrated state in the instrument which is followed by adding the required error correction coefficients for the required calibration type. If this approach is used, each error correction coefficient is entered by separate commands. Simulated calibration subsystems are:
The command modifies the indicated LC network capacitance value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated LC network capacitance value on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Farads.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Farads.
Default Value
Syntax Example
The command deletes the indicated network from the indicated channel. No query.
The command modifies the indicated T-Line network other dielectric value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated T-Line network other dielectric value on the indicated channel.
Modify the indicated network other dielectric even value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated network dielectric even value on the indicated channel.
For the purposes of entering line information, the MS463xA/MS464xA Series VNAs use an even/odd mode formalism as is consistent with many circuit simulators. The central concept is that a coupled line pair can be driven in phase (the even mode) or 180 degrees out of phase (the odd mode) or any combination of those modes. The term “common-mode” is also used for even mode. The term “differential-mode” is also used for odd mode. In the case of very weak coupling where Cx is close to 0, these modes see the same impedances, same losses, and same phase velocities so there is no need to use this mode separation. As the coupling increases, at the very least, the impedances seen by these two modes diverge requiring two impedance entries where the effective capacitances seen by the conductors in the two modes are clearly different. That is the end of changes for symmetric TEM systems, where this approach will work for common coax, stripline and some microstrip cases.
Modify the indicated network other dielectric odd value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated network dielectric odd value on the indicated channel.
For the purposes of entering line information, the MS4640B VNA uses an even/odd mode formalism as is consistent with many circuit simulators. The central concept is that a coupled line pair can be driven in phase (the even mode) or 180 degrees out of phase (the odd mode) or any combination of those modes. The term “common-mode” is also used for even mode. The term “differential-mode” is also used for odd mode. In the case of very weak coupling where Cx is close to 0, these modes see the same impedances, same losses, and same phase velocities so there is no need to use this mode separation. As the coupling increases, at the very least, the impedances seen by these two modes diverge requiring two impedance entries where the effective capacitances seen by the conductors in the two modes are clearly different. That is the end of changes for symmetric TEM systems, where this approach will work for common coax, stripline and some microstrip cases.
The command modifies the indicated T-Line network line loss frequency value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated T-Line network line loss frequency value on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:FSIMulator:NETWork{1-50}:L <NRf>
The command modifies the indicated LC network inductance value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated LC network inductance value on the indicated channel.
The command modifies the indicated T-Line network line length value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated T-Line network line length value on the indicated channel.
The command modifies the indicated T-Line network line loss value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated T-Line network line loss value on the indicated channel.
Modify the indicated network line loss even value on the indicated channel. The query output the indicated network line loss even value on the indicated channel.
For the purposes of entering line information, the MS4640B VNAs use an even/odd mode formalism as is consistent with many circuit simulators. The central concept is that a coupled line pair can be driven in phase (the even mode) or 180 degrees out of phase (the odd mode) or any combination of those modes. The term “common-mode” is also used for even mode. The term “differential-mode” is also used for odd mode. In the case of very weak coupling where Cx is close to 0, these modes see the same impedances, same losses, and same phase velocities so there is no need to use this mode separation. As the coupling increases, at the very least, the impedances seen by these two modes diverge requiring two impedance entries where the effective capacitances seen by the conductors in the two modes are clearly different. That is the end of changes for symmetric TEM systems, where this approach will work for common coax, stripline and some microstrip cases.
Modify the indicated network line loss odd value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated network line loss odd value on the indicated channel.
For the purposes of entering line information, the MS464xB Series VNAs use an even/odd mode formalism as is consistent with many circuit simulators. The central concept is that a coupled line pair can be driven in phase (the even mode) or 180 degrees out of phase (the odd mode) or any combination of those modes. The term “common-mode” is also used for even mode. The term “differential-mode” is also used for odd mode. In the case of very weak coupling where Cx is close to 0, these modes see the same impedances, same losses, and same phase velocities so there is no need to use this mode separation. As the coupling increases, at the very least, the impedances seen by these two modes diverge requiring two impedance entries where the effective capacitances seen by the conductors in the two modes are clearly different. That is the end of changes for symmetric TEM systems, where this approach will work for common coax, stripline and some microstrip cases.
The command modifies the indicated network embed/de-embed mode on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated network embed/de-embed mode on the indicated channel.
The command modifies the indicated network port number on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated network port number on the indicated channel.
The command modifies the indicated R network resistance value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated R network resistance value on the indicated channel.
The command modifies the indicated network S2P filename on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated network S2P filename on the indicated channel.
Set the port assignments for the indicated S4P network to be embedded/de-embedded on the indicated channel. The command requires a 4-port VNA instrument. The query outputs the port assignments for the indicated S4P network to be embed/de-embed on the channel indicated.
The first entered port number is for Port 1, the second for Port 2, the third for Port 3, and the fourth for Port 4. For the Syntax Example below, to assign Port 2, Port 3, Port 1, and Port 4, the command is:
Set the S-Parameters to ignore from the indicated S4P network to be embed/de-embed on the channel indicated. At least one S-Parameter to ignore must be defined. Up to 16 S-Parameters to ignore can be defined. a 4-port VNA instrument is required. The query outputs the S-Parameters to ignore from the indicated S4P network to be embedded/de-embedded on the channel indicated.
Set the current network S4P Transmission Terms value to 1 (one) or 0 (zero) on the indicated channel. The query outputs the current network S4P transmission term set value on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> Input parameter is unitless number either 1 or 0.
The command modifies the indicated network swap S2P file data flag on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated network swap S2P file data flag on the indicated channel.
On the indicated channel, the command modifies the indicated network type. The query outputs the indicated network type on the indicated channel. The available network choices depend on whether the instrument is in 2-port or 4-port VNA mode. All 2-port networks are available for 4-port VNAs. The following network types are available:
Types Available for 2-Port VNA Instruments
If the instrument is in two-port mode, the following types are available:
• LS = 2-port or 4-port VNAs. Series inductance
• LP = 2-port or 4-port VNAs. Parallel inductance
• CS = 2-port or 4-port VNAs. Series capacitance
• CP = 2-port or 4-port VNAs. Parallel capacitance
• RS = 2-port or 4-port VNAs. Resistive series network.
• RP = 2-port or 4-port VNAs. Resistive parallel network.
• TLine = 2-port or 4-port VNAs. A defined transmission line with specifications for Impedance (Ohms), Length (Meters), Loss (dB/mm), @ Frequency (GHz), and Dielectric Value. Note that programmatically, length is entered in Meters. From the user interface, length is usually entered in millimeters.
• S2Pfile = 2-port or 4-port VNAs. Allows an S2P calibration file to be used.
Types Available for 4-Port VNA Instruments
If the instrument is in four-port mode, all of the network types above are available with the addition of the following network types:
• S4Pfile = 4-port VNAs only. Allows an S4P calibration file to be used.
• LCKTFour = 4-port VNAs only. A four-node inductance L circuit. Port assignments are defined in separate commands.
• CCKTFour = 4-port VNAs only. A four-node capacitance C circuit. Port assignments are defined in separate commands.
• TLINEFour = 4-port VNAs only. Allows two separate through (“thru”) lines to be used. In separate commands, each line is defined by Length (Meters), @ Frequency (GHz), Z0-Odd (Ohms), Loss-Odd (dB/mm), Dielectric Odd (unitless number), Z0Even (Ohms), Loss-Even (dB/mm), and Dielectric Even (unitless number). Note that programmatically, length is entered in Meters. From the user interface, length is usually entered in millimeters.
• RCKTFour = 4-port VNAs only. A four-node resistive R circuit. Port assignments are defined in separate commands.
The command modifies the indicated T-Line network impedance value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated T-Line network impedance value on the indicated channel.
Modify the indicated network impedance even value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated network impedance even value on the indicated channel. For the purposes of entering line information, the MS4640B VNAs use an even/odd mode formalism as is consistent with many circuit simulators. The central concept is that a coupled line pair can be driven in phase (the even mode) or 180 degrees out of phase (the odd mode) or any combination of those modes. The term “common-mode” is also used for even mode. The term “differential-mode” is also used for odd mode. In the case of very weak coupling where Cx is close to 0, these modes see the same impedances, same losses, and same phase velocities so there is no need to use this mode separation. As the coupling increases, at the very least, the impedances seen by these two modes diverge requiring two impedance entries where the effective capacitances seen by the conductors in the two modes are clearly different. That is the end of changes for symmetric TEM systems, where this approach will work for common coax, stripline and some microstrip cases.
Modify the indicated network impedance odd value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the indicated network impedance odd value on the indicated channel. For the purposes of entering line information, the MS4640B VNAs use an even/odd mode formalism as is consistent with many circuit simulators. The central concept is that a coupled line pair can be driven in phase (the even mode) or 180 degrees out of phase (the odd mode) or any combination of those modes. The term “common-mode” is also used for even mode. The term “differential-mode” is also used for odd mode. In the case of very weak coupling where Cx is close to 0, these modes see the same impedances, same losses, and same phase velocities so there is no need to use this mode separation. As the coupling increases, at the very least, the impedances seen by these two modes diverge requiring two impedance entries where the effective capacitances seen by the conductors in the two modes are clearly different. That is the end of changes for symmetric TEM systems, where this approach will work for common coax, stripline and some microstrip cases.