The :MMEMory subsystem commands are used to input, load, and read out instrument data files. <string> formatted data is generally used to represent file directories and file names.
I/O Configuration and File Operation Subsystems
Related subsystems for I/O configuration and file operation are:
The command copies the contents of the first <string1> file to the second <string2> file. No query. The directory and file for <string1> must exist. If the directory and file for <string2> do not exist, they will be created. If the directory and file for <string2> already exist, they will be overwritten.
The command loads a calibration kit file or multiple files from the given file specification into the instrument memory. The :MMEMory:LOAD:CKIT command supports loading XML files with a .ccf extension or binary files in Lightning format.
No query.
Cmd Parameters
<string> Filename and path where the required format changes depending on the file type being loaded.
If a .ccf file type is used, the required form is: 'x:\directory\filename.ccf', where x:\directory\filename.ccf must exist.
If a .lst file type is used, the required form is: 'x:\directory\filename.lst, where x:\directory\filename.lst must exist as well as the associated cal kit files.
If a binary Lightning file type is used, only the path is required in the form 'x:\directory', where x:\directory and cal kit files must exist.
Loads formatted or unformatted trace data from a file into the trace memory of the active trace on the active channel. No query.
Cmd Parameters
<string> Filename and path in the form: 'x:\directory\filename.tdf' or 'x:\directory\filename.tdu', where x:\directory\filename.tdf or x:\directory\filename.tdu must exist. See Programming the VectorStar Series VNA, Notational Conventions for more information.
Saves the flat test port power flatness coefficients for the indicated port and the active channel. No query. For port definitions, see Table: Port Number Definitions.
Saves the power sweep linearity coefficients for the indicated port and the active channel. For port definitions, see Table: Port Number Definitions. No query.
This command is used to write cal kits for particular connectors and waveguide sizes.The command writes a calibration kit file from current setup. All three <char> parameters must be specified. The <string> parameter defines either the directory and file name or only the file name subject to the limitations described below.
No query.
Required Parameters
Three (3) identifying characteristics must be provided as Line Type, Cal Type, and one of three Connector Types (Coaxial, Waveguide, User Defined). Each parameter characteristic is defined below:
• Line Type = <char1> = COAXial | NONDispersive | WAVEguide. Note that Microstrip is not an available option.
• SOLX = Short-Open-Load-Reciprocal or Short-Open-Load-Through calibration
• SSLT = Short-Short-Load-Through
• SSST = Short-Short-Short-Through
• BBCal = Broadband Cal: Merged Short-Open-Load-Through/Reciprocal (SOLT/R) and Short-Short-Short-Through/Reciprocal (SSST/R) Note that the type depends on where the breakpoint is set. Sometimes it could be just SOLX, SSST or a merge of both.
1 Note that a user-defined CIDU1 connector can be assigned a user-defined name, but programmatically, it must be referred to as “CIDU1”. This also applies to CIDU2 through CIDU32.
Parameter Definitions for <string>
User-provided variations in the <string> parameter command suffix and existing O/S conditions change the way the command will operate.
• Best practices recommend stating a file name and path in the form 'x:\directory\' where 'x:\directory\' already exists.
• If the directory and file name in <string> already exist, the command will overwrite them without comment.
• If the directory portion of the <string> is missing such as 'x:\', the named file is placed in the current O/S defined default directory.
• If the command uses a <string> in the path and file name form such as 'x:\directory\' and 'x:\directory\' does not exist, an error is generated and no file is written.
<string> Path and filename in the form 'x:\directory\' or 'x:\'. If the 'x:\directory\' form is used, the directory must exist. See <string> parameter definitions above and Programming the VectorStar Series VNA, Notational Conventions for more information.