The :SOURce{1-16}:POWer subsystem commands are used configure and control port power types, attenuation types and levels, power coupling, calibration, and correction data for the indicated channel and port.
Power Configuration Subsystems
Related power configuration and control systems are:
The command enables\disables the gated pulsed power calibration for the indicated channel. The query returns the state of gated pulsed power calibration for the indicated channel. This command requires PulseView™ option (Option 42) to be installed.
The command sets the start gate to use during the pulsed power cal for the indicated channel. The query returns the start gate to be used during the pulsed power cal for the indicated channel. This command requires PulseView™ option (Option 42) to be installed.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in seconds.
Query Parameters
Query Output
<NRf> The output parameter is in seconds.
<NR3> Start < Stop, Start is in the Range [0, Stop)
The command sets the stop gate to use during the pulsed power cal for the indicated channel. The query returns the stop gate to be used during the pulsed power cal for the indicated channel. This command requires PulseView™ option (Option 42) to be installed.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in seconds.
Query Parameters
Query Output
<NRf> The output parameter is in seconds.
<NR3> Stop > Start, Stop is in the Range (Start, 2*PRI] where PRI is the pulse repetition interval set in the Pulse Configuration or from
Turns port power coupling on/off on the indicated channel.
Outputs the port power coupling on/off state on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
Query Output
<char> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
Performs a flat power correction calibration for the indicated channel and port, and returns the calibration result. No query. The command returns status where:
Sets the power level target for the flat power correction calibration on the indicated channel and port. Outputs the power level target for the flat power correction calibration on the indicated channel and port.
Turn on/off flat power correction for the indicated channel and port. Outputs the on/off status of flat power correction for the indicated channel and port.
Performs a power linearity correction calibration for the indicated channel and port, and returns the calibration result. The command returns the calibration completion status where:
Inputs the power sweep linearity calibration data for the indicated channel. Outputs the power sweep linearity calibration data of the indicated channel and port.
Sets the power sweep start power target for the linear power calibration on the indicated channel and port. Outputs the power sweep start power target for the linear power calibration on the indicated channel and port.
Sets the power sweep stop power target for the linear power calibration on the indicated channel and port. Outputs the power sweep stop power target for the linear power calibration on the indicated channel and port.
The command turns on/off the power sweep linear calibration for the indicated channel and port. Outputs the on/off status of the power sweep linear calibrations for the indicated channel and port.
Sets the attenuation value of the indicated port on the indicated channel. Outputs the attenuation value of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
The command sets the power sweep start power for frequencies greater than 54 GHz (>54G) on the indicated port on the indicated channel. The query outputs the power sweep (>54G) start power of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
The command sets the power sweep (>54G) stop power on the indicated port on the indicated channel for frequencies greater than 54 GHz. The query outputs the power sweep (>54G) stop power of the indicated port on the indicated channel for frequencies greater than 54 GHz.
Query only. The query outputs the power sweep effective (>54G) single power value of the indicated port on the indicated channel for frequencies greater than 54 GHz.
Sets the power sweep (>54G) single power value on the indicated port on the indicated channel for frequencies greater than 54 GHz. The query outputs the power sweep (>54G) single power value of the indicated port on the indicated channel for frequencies greater than 54 GHz.
Sets the power sweep offset power on the indicated port on the indicated channel. Outputs the power sweep offset power of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Sets the power sweep number of points on the indicated port on the indicated channel. Outputs the power sweep number of points of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Sets the power sweep start power on the indicated port on the indicated channel. Outputs the power sweep start power of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in dBm.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in dBm.
–3E1 to 2.99E1 dBm
Default Value
Default value depends on model and installed options:
• MS4645B or MS4647B with Options 51 or 6x = –10 dBm
• All other MS4645Bs and MS4647Bs = –3 dBm
• MS4642B and MS4644B = +5 dBm
Syntax Example
Query only. Outputs the power sweep step size of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in dB.
Power step is a calculated value based on the start and stop power levels divided by the number of points in the active channel.
Sets the power sweep stop power on the indicated port on the indicated channel. Outputs the power sweep stop power of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in dBm.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in dBm.
-2.99E1 to 3E1 dBm
Default Value
Default value depends on model and installed options:
• MS4645B or MS4647B with Options 51 or 6x = –10 dBm
Sets the power sweep reference attenuation value of the indicated port on the indicated channel. Outputs the power sweep reference attenuation value of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Sets the power sweep single power value on the indicated port on the indicated channel. Outputs the power sweep single power value of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in dBm.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in dBm.
–3E1 to 3E1
Default Value
Default value depends on model and installed options:
• MS4645B or MS4647B with Options 51 or 6x = –10 dBm
Turns on/off the power sweep single power mode on the indicated port on the indicated channel. Outputs on/off state of the power sweep single power mode of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Sets the power sweep test attenuation value of the indicated port on the indicated channel. Outputs the power sweep test attenuation value of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Sets the reference attenuation value of the indicated port on the indicated channel. Outputs the reference attenuation value of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in dB.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in dB.
0 to 60 dB in 10 dB increments
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SOURce{1-16}:POWer:PORT{1-4}:SLOPe <NRf>
Sets the power slope value of the indicated port on the indicated channel. Outputs the power slope value of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Sets the test attenuation value of the indicated port on the indicated channel. Outputs the test attenuation value of the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Turns on/off the power cal de-embedding operation using the S2P characterization data on the indicated channel. Outputs the on/off state of the power cal de-embedding operation using the S2P characterization data on the indicated channel.
Sets the S2P characterization filename for performing power cal de-embedding operation on the indicated channel. Outputs the S2P characterization filename for performing power cal de-embedding operation on the indicated channel.
Turns on/off the power cal embedding operation using the S2P characterization data on the indicated channel. Outputs the on/off state of the power cal embedding operation using the S2P characterization data on the indicated channel.
Sets the S2P characterization filename for performing power cal embedding operation on the indicated channel. Outputs the S2P characterization filename for performing power cal embedding operation on the indicated channel.
Turns on/off the power cal de-embedding operation using the S2P characterization data on the indicated channel. Outputs the on/off state of the power cal de-embedding operation using the S2P characterization data on the indicated channel.
Sets the S2P characterization filename for performing power cal de-embedding operation on the indicated channel. Outputs the S2P characterization filename for performing power cal de-embedding operation on the indicated channel.
Turns on/off the power cal embedding operation using the S2P characterization data on the indicated channel. Outputs the on/off state of the power cal embedding operation using the S2P characterization data on the indicated channel.
Sets the S2P characterization filename for performing power cal embedding operation on the indicated channel. Outputs the S2P characterization filename for performing power cal embedding operation on the indicated channel.