VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer Operation Manual : Front and Rear Panels : Front Panel Hard Keys and Connectors
Front Panel Hard Keys and Connectors
The MS464xB Series VNA front panel areas, keys, and port connectors are identified below in Figure: MS464xB Series VNA Front Panel Hard Keys and Connectors (1 of 2).
MS464xB Series VNA Front Panel Hard Keys and Connectors (1 of 2)
Note: Changing the installed location of the front panel Direct Access Loops (13), (15), (16), and (18) results in changes to the display of the factory RF calibration due to the differing electrical lengths of the loops. Changing locations of these loops have no effect on user RF calibrations.
1. ID Plate – Instrument model number identification
2. Display Area – Touch screen with instrument test results and graphics with the MENU BAR at top and the ICON BAR immediately below. The MAIN menu with access to specific-functions menus and dialog boxes is on the right side. This area is also terms the right-side application menus.
3. Data Entry – Data entry keypad with numbers from 0 (zero) to 9 (nine), Decimal Point, and
+/– (Plus/Minus).
4. Navigation Keys – Up, Down, Left, Right arrow navigation keys and the center Select key.
5. Rotary Knob – Scrolls through values or changes settings. Pressing it is the same function as the Select key.
6. Channel Key – Select displays the Channel menu.
7. Analysis Key Group – Response, Display, Scale, and Marker Keys. Select of each displays the named menu.
8. Setup Key Group – Power, Sweep, and Avg Keys. Select of each displays the named menu.
9. Measurement Key Group – Calibration, Measurement, and Application Keys
10. System Key Group – System, File, and Help keys
11. Standby/Operate Key – Pressing and holding the key for more than one (1) second toggles the VNA between standby and operate modes. When in standby mode, the orange Standby LED above the key is illuminated. When in operate mode, the green Operate LED above the key is illuminated.
12. Ground – Chassis Ground Port Banana connector
13. Direct Access Loops – b1 Front Panel Direct Access Loop (left) and a1 Front Panel Direct Access Loop (right).
14. Test Port 1 – K (f) on MS4642B, MS4644B, and MS4645B VNAs – V (f) on MS4647B VNAs.
15. Port 1 Direct Access Loop – Port 1 Source Front Panel Direct Access Loop
16. Direct Access Loop – Port 2 Source Front Panel Direct Access Loop
17. Test Port 2 – Same connector types as for Test Port 1 above.
18. Direct Access Loop – a2 Front Panel Direct Access Loop (left) – b2 Front Panel Direct Access Loop (right)
19. USB Ports – Two USB 2.0 Type A Ports
20. Preset Key – The Preset key restores the instrument to one of three prior states. User Defined: A previously saved user-defined state. Default: The factory as-shipped state. Default 0: The factory original setting. The user selects which preset mode is used.
Changing the installed location of the front panel Direct Access Loops (13), (15), (16), and (18) results in changes to the display of the factory RF calibration due to the differing electrical lengths of the loops. Changing locations of these loops have no effect on user RF calibrations.
Front Panel Hard Key and Connector Description
The front panel hard keys are described in Table: Front Panel Hard Keys and Functions (7 of 8) below. The cross reference links are to related information in this chapter and detailed menu descriptions in separate chapters
Front Panel Hard Keys and Functions (7 of 8)
Key Name
Primary Functions

Power Key and Chassis Ground Connector
Standby/Operate Key
Pressing and holding the Standby/Operate key for at least one (1) second toggles the VNA between operate mode and standby mode.
Power Up
To power up the VNA into Standby mode, connect the instrument to AC power and then set the rear panel AC Power Rocker Switch (which is part of the upper right corner AC Power Input Module) to “|” or ON. The orange Standby LED on the front panel is illuminated and the Standby/Operate key is illuminated with an orange LED.
Standby to Operate Mode
With the VNA in standby mode, to change to operate mode, press and hold the Standby/Operate key for at least one (1) second. The green Operate LED is illuminated and the Standby/Operate key is illuminated with a green LED.
Operate to Standby Mode
With the VNA in operate mode, to change to standby mode, press and hold the Standby/Operate key for at least one (1) second. The orange Standby LED is illuminated and the Standby/Operate key is illuminated with an orange LED.
Power Off
With the VNA in standby mode, to remove AC power from the VNA and turn the VNA off, set the rear panel AC Power Rocker Switch to “O” or OFF.
Do not remove AC Power from the VNA while it is in operate mode. Do not turn off the VNA while it is in operate mode.
Chassis Grounding Port
Provides an instrument chassis and signal grounding (earth) point.
Banana (f).

Calibration, Measurement, and Application Keys
Calibration Key
Pressing Calibration displays the user interface CALIBRATION menu.
MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION
Measurement Key
Pressing Measurement displays the MEASUREMENT menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | Measurement | MEASUREMENT
Application Key
Pressing Application displays the APPLICATION menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | Application | APPLICATION
System, File, Help, and Preset Keys
System Key
Pressing System displays the System menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | System | SYSTEM
File Key
Pressing File displays the File menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | File | FILE
Help Key
Pressing Help displays the Help menu in the user interface display.
MENU BAR | Help | Context Sensitive Help
Preset Key
Returns the instrument (or presets it) to the last active configuration preset loaded as defined and set in the PRESET SETUP menu. Depending on the user-set preset configuration, this can be either:
User Defined: A previously saved user-defined state.
Default: The factory as-shipped state.
Default 0: The factory original setting.
The user selects which preset mode is used.
MENU BAR | Utilities | Preset
MAIN | System | SYSTEM | Setup | SETUP | Preset Setup | PRESET SETUP

Frequency, Power, and Sweep Setup Key Group
Frequency Key
Pressing Frequency displays the FREQUENCY menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | Frequency | FREQUENCY
Power Key
Pressing Power displays the POWER menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | Power | POWER
Sweep Key
Pressing Sweep displays the SWEEP menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | Sweep Setup | SWEEP SETUP
Average Key
Pressing Avg displays the AVERAGING menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | Averaging | AVERAGING

Response, Display, Scale, and Marker Key Group
Response Key
Pressing Response displays the Response menu in the user interface display. The RESPONSE menu displayed depends on whether the instrument is in 2-Port or 4-Port mode.
MAIN | Response | RESPONSE
Display Key
Pressing Display displays the Display menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | Display | DISPLAY
Scale Key
Pressing Scale displays the Scale menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | Scale | SCALE menu
Marker Key
Pressing Marker displays the Marker menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | Marker | MARKERS [1]

Channel and Trace Key Group
Channel Key
Pressing Channel displays the Channel menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | Channel | CHANNEL
Trace Key
Pressing Trace displays the Trace menu in the user interface display.
MAIN | Trace | TRACE

Navigation and Data Entry Keys
Rotary Knob
The operation of the Rotary Knob varies depending on the cursor focus.
On selections, rotating the Rotary Knob clockwise moves the selection down. Rotating counterclockwise moves the selection up.
On menus, moves the button focus up or down.
On field toolbars, increases or decreases the field value.
Pressing the Rotary Knob starts the action of the selected menu button or applies the input value of the selected field toolbar.
Up Arrow Key
Pressing Up moves the cursor or selection up.
Down Arrow Key
Pressing Down moves the cursor or selection down.
Left Arrow Key
Pressing Left moves the cursor or selection to the left.
Right Arrow Key
Pressing Right moves the cursor or selection to the right.
Select Key
Pressing Select starts the action of the selected menu button.
Same as pressing the Rotary Knob.

Keypad and Data Entry Key Group
Keypad Digit Keys
Used to enter digits from 0 (zero) to 9 (nine).
. (Decimal) Key
Used to enter a decimal point.
+/- (Plus/Minus) Key
Toggles an entered value between + (plus) and – (minus).
Backspace / Delete Key
Deletes characters and moves the cursor to the left.
Enter Key
Causes the user-defined value or the field toolbar value to be entered into the instrument.
Clear/Tab Key
Clears the value of a field or tabs forward to the next field.

Test Port 1 and Loop Connectors
Test Port 1
Universal Test Port Connector
K (m) for MS4642B and MS4644B
V (m) for MS4645B and MS4647B
Damage Input Levels: +27 dBm max, 40 VDC max
Exchangeable in case of damage.
Port 1 Source
Source paths, 2.5 GHz coverage.
K (f) for MS4642B and MS4644B.
V (f) for MS4645B and MS4647B.
Damage Input Levels: +20 dBm max, 0 VDC max
Optional. Included with Option 51 and 6x. This port is also used to interface with MN469xx Series 4-Port Test Sets and ME7838x Series 4-Port Broadband/Millimeter Wave Systems.
b1 Test Receiver - Port 1
Test receiver paths.
As above.
Optional. Included with Option 51 and 6x.
a1 Reference Receiver - Port 1
Reference receiver paths.
As above.
Optional. Included with Option 51 and 6x.

Test Port 2 and Loop Connectors
Test Port 2
Universal Test Port Connector.
K (m) for MS4642B and MS4644B
V (m) for MS4645B and MS4647B
Damage Input Levels: +27 dBm max, 40 VDC max
Exchangeable in case of damage.
Port 2 Source
Source paths, 2.5 GHz coverage.
K (f) connectors for the MS4642B and MS4644B VNAs.
V (f) connectors for the MS4645B and MS4647B VNAs.
Damage Input Levels: +20 dBm max, 0 VDC max
Optional. Included with Option 51 and 6x. This port is also used to interface with MN469xx Series 4-Port Test Sets and ME7838x 4-Port Series Broadband/Millimeter Wave Systems.
b2 Test Receiver - Port 2
Test receiver paths.
As above.
Optional. Included with Option 51 and 6x.
a2 Reference Receiver - Port 2
Reference receiver paths.
As above.
Optional. Included with Option 51 and 6x.

Front Panel USB Ports
USB Ports
USB 2.0 Type A Ports, two (2) each.
For peripherals such as keyboard, mouse, memory stick, or hardware key.
There are two additional USB 2.0 Type A Ports located on the rear panel.