![]() | Apply Slope [All Ports] (ON/OFF) Select toggles the Apply Slope value set below between off and on. Port Selection (Port 1/Port 2) Select toggles the setup between Port 1 and Port 2. • If Port Power is set to Not Coupled, when Port 1 is selected, the menu name changes to POWER SETUP [1]. • If Port Power is set to Not Coupled, when Port 2 is selected, the menu name changes to POWER SETUP [2]. • If Port Power is set to Coupled, the menu name changes to POWER SETUP [C] Slope (dB/GHz) Select displays the Slope field toolbar – select the power slope in dB/GHz. ![]() Port Power (Coupled/Not Coupled) The Port Power button toggles the whether power adjustments to Ports 1 and 2 are coupled or not coupled. If Not Coupled is selected: • The power level of the two port pairs can be adjusted separately on the POWER and POWER SETUP menus. • The Port Selection button (described above) toggles between Port 1 and Port 2 also changing the POWER SETUP menu name between POWER SETUP [1] and POWER SETUP [2]. • The POWER menu name also changes between POWER [1] and POWER [2]. If Coupled is selected: • An adjustment to one port is also applied to the other port on the POWER and POWER SETUP menus. • The Port Selection button (described above) toggles between Port 1 and Port 2. • The POWER SETUP menu name changes to POWER SETUP [C]. • The POWER menu name changes to POWER [C]. • Coupling does not affect attenuator settings. ALC Input Visible only if Option 53 installed (or 8x installed but instrument not operating in 3739 broadband mode). Select toggles the value between Internal and External leveling detector inputs. |
Leveling Mode (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView and allows the user to more precisely control power based on the signal envelope. Displays the LEVELING MODE menu. Leveling Mode can be set in the LEVELING MODE menu, or in the PULSEVIEW CONFIGURATION dialog | Power tab. Refresh Leveling Ref. (Reference) (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView and if the Leveling Mode is set to Per Sweep Pulsed or Per Point Pulsed. Selection will refresh the pulsed leveling reference target values. This action is recommended after recalling a pulsed leveling setup with a user power calibration or a pulsed user power calibration file, particularly if the proper measurement hardware connections were not in place at time of recall. |
![]() | Apply Slope [All Ports] (ON/OFF) Select toggles the Apply Slope value set below between off and on. Port Selection (Port 1/Src 2 out Port 1) Select toggles the setup between Port 1 and Src 2 out Port 1. Slope (dB/GHz) Select displays the Slope field toolbar and allows the user to select the power slope in dB/GHz. ![]() Port Power (Coupled/Not Coupled) The Port Power button toggles the whether power adjustments to Ports 1 and 2 are coupled or not coupled. If Not Coupled is selected: • The power level of the two port pairs can be adjusted separately on the POWER and POWER SETUP menus. • The Port Selection button (described above) toggles between Port 1 and Port 2 also changing the POWER menu and POWER SETUP menu name between POWER SETUP [1] and POWER SETUP [2]. If Coupled is selected: • An adjustment to one port is also applied to the other port on the POWER and POWER SETUP menus. • The Port Selection button (described above) toggles between Port 1 and Port 2. • The POWER menu and POWER SETUP menu name changes to POWER SETUP [C]. • Coupling does not affect attenuator settings. SRC2 Out Redirection Select toggles between ON or OFF to direct Source 2 power out of Port 1. ALC Input Visible only if Option 53 installed (or 8x installed but instrument not operating in 3739 broadband mode). Select toggles the value between Internal and External leveling detector inputs. Button is disabled when SRC2 Out Redirection is ON. |
Leveling Mode (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView and allows the user to more precisely control power based on the signal envelope. Displays the LEVELING MODE menu. Leveling Mode can be set in the LEVELING MODE menu, or in the PULSEVIEW CONFIGURATION dialog | Power tab. Refresh Leveling Ref. (Reference) (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView and if the Leveling Mode is set to Per Sweep Pulsed or Per Point Pulsed. Selection will refresh the pulsed leveling reference target values. This action is recommended after recalling a pulsed leveling setup with a user power calibration or a pulsed user power calibration file, particularly if the proper measurement hardware connections were not in place at time of recall. |
![]() | SRC2 Out Redirection When Option 32 is installed, Power Setup menu (click Other Setup button) is present so Source 2 power can be redirected out of Port 1. ALC Input Visible only if Option 53 installed (or 8x installed but instrument not operating in 3739 broadband mode). Select toggles the value between Internal and External leveling detector inputs. Button is disabled when SRC2 Out Redirection is ON. Leveling Mode (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView. Allows the user to more precisely control power based on the signal envelope. Displays the LEVELING MODE menu. Leveling Mode can be set in the LEVELING MODE menu, or in the PULSEVIEW CONFIGURATION dialog | Power tab. Refresh Leveling Ref. (Reference) (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView and if the Leveling Mode is set to Per Sweep Pulsed or Per Point Pulsed. Selection will refresh the pulsed leveling reference target values. This action is recommended after recalling a pulsed leveling setup with a user power calibration or a pulsed user power calibration file, particularly if the proper measurement hardware connections were not in place at time of recall. |
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When Option 32 is installed, POWER SETUP menu (click Other Setup button) is present so Source 2 power can be redirected out of Port 1. All other menus remain the same. 1. POWER Menu – Segment-Based Sweep – 2-Port VNAs with Option 32 2. POWER SETUP Menu – Segment-Based Sweep – 2-Port VNAs with Option 32 and PulseView. SRC2 Out Redirection When Option 32 is installed, POWER SETUP menu (click Other Setup button) is present so Source 2 power can be redirected out of Port 1. ALC Input Visible only if Option 53 installed (or 8x installed but instrument not operating in 3739 broadband mode). Select toggles the value between Internal and External leveling detector inputs. Button is disabled when SRC2 Out Redirection is ON. | |
Leveling Mode (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView. Allows the user to more precisely control power based on the signal envelope. Displays the LEVELING MODE menu. Leveling Mode can be set in the LEVELING MODE menu, or in the PULSEVIEW CONFIGURATION dialog | Power tab. Refresh Leveling Ref. (Reference) (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView and if the Leveling Mode is set to Per Sweep Pulsed or Per Point Pulsed. Selection will refresh the pulsed leveling reference target values. This action is recommended after recalling a pulsed leveling setup with a user power calibration or a pulsed user power calibration file, particularly if the proper measurement hardware connections were not in place at time of recall. |
![]() | Port Selection (Port 1/Port 2) Select displays the SELECT PORT dialog box allowing selection of Port 1 or Port 2. The menu name suffix changes depending on the state of the Port Power (Couple/Not Coupled) button, and if Not Coupled, on the currently selected port. Single Power Mode (ON/OFF) Select toggles single power mode ON and OFF. Single Power (dBm) Select displays the Single Power (dBm) field toolbar and allows the user to select the single power level. ![]() Effective Single Power (dBm) The read-only button name depends on the receiver configuration selection made on the APPLICATION menu. If Single, Multiple Source, or BB/mm Wave is selected, the button name is Effective Single Power and displays the value of the effective single power level in dBm after the effects of any attenuators. Eff. Single Pwr (>54G) (dBm) Effective Single Power >54 GHz. The button name depends on the receiver configuration selection made on the APPLICATION menu where Modular BB must be selected. In addition, the instrument must be an MS4647B with Option 8x installed. An example of the button name change is shown below. ![]() |
Attenuators The Attenuators button presence depends on instrument installed options: • Button Not Available • If the Attenuators button is present but unavailable, the attenuator options have not been installed in your instrument. Contact Anritsu Customer Service for more information. • Button Available • If the Attenuators button is available, one of the attenuator options has been installed. • Option 61: Includes Port 1 Source Attenuator and Port 2 Test Attenuator. • Option 62: Includes Port 1 Source Attenuator, Port 2 Source Attenuator, Port 1 Test Attenuator, and Port 2 Test Attenuator. Select displays the ATTENUATORS menu and allows the user to configure Source and Test attenuators for port 1 and port 2. Power Cal Select displays the POWER CAL menu. Receiver Cal Select displays the RECEIVER SETUP menu. Port Power (Coupled/Not Coupled) The Port Power button toggles whether power adjustments to Ports 1 and 2 are coupled or not coupled. If Not Coupled is selected: • The power level of the two port pairs can be adjusted separately on the POWER and POWER SETUP menus. • The Port Selection button (described above) toggles between Port 1 and Port 2 also changing the POWER SETUP menu name between POWER SETUP [1] and POWER SETUP [2]. • The POWER menu name also changes between POWER [1] and POWER [2]. If Coupled is selected: • An adjustment to one port is also applied to the other port on the POWER and POWER SETUP menus. • The Port Selection button (described above) toggles between Port 1 and Port 2. • The POWER SETUP menu name changes to POWER SETUP [C]. • The POWER menu name changes to POWER [C]. • Coupling does not affect attenuator settings. External Source Power Select displays the EXT SRC POWER (EXTERNAL SOURCE POWER) menu. | |
ALC Input Visible only if Option 53 installed (or 8x installed but instrument not operating in 3739 broadband mode). Select toggles the value between Internal and External leveling detector inputs. Leveling Mode (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView. Allows the user to more precisely control power based on the signal envelope. Displays the LEVELING MODE menu. Leveling Mode can be set in the LEVELING MODE menu, or in the PULSEVIEW CONFIGURATION dialog | Power tab. Refresh Leveling Ref. (Reference) (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView and if the Leveling Mode is set to Per Sweep Pulsed or Per Point Pulsed. Selection will refresh the pulsed leveling reference target values. This action is recommended after recalling a pulsed leveling setup with a user power calibration or a pulsed user power calibration file, particularly if the proper measurement hardware connections were not in place at time of recall. |
![]() | Port Selection (Port 1/Src2 Out Port1 or Port1/Port2) With Src2 Out Redirection ON, Select toggles between Port 1, or Src2 Out Port1. With Src2 Out Redirection OFF, Select toggles between Port 1, or Port 2. Single Power Mode (ON/OFF) Select toggles single power mode ON and OFF. Single Power (dBm) Select displays the Single Power (dBm) field toolbar and allows the user to select the single power level. ![]() Effective Single Power (dBm) The read-only button name depends on the receiver configuration selection made on the APPLICATION menu. If Single, Multiple Source, or BB/mm Wave is selected, the button name is Effective Single Power and displays the value of the effective single power level in dBm after the effects of any attenuators. Eff. Single Pwr (>54G) (dBm) Effective Single Power >54 GHz. The button name depends on the receiver configuration selection made on the APPLICATION menu where Modular BB must be selected. In addition, the instrument must be an MS4647B with Option 8x installed. An example of the button name change is shown below ![]() Attenuators The Attenuators button presence depends on instrument installed options: Select displays the ATTENUATORS menu and allows the user to configure Source and Test attenuators for port 1 and port 2. |
Power Cal Select displays the POWER CAL menu. Receiver Cal Select displays the RECEIVER SETUP menu. Port Power (Coupled/Not Coupled) The Port Power button toggles whether power adjustments to Ports 1 and 2 are coupled or not coupled. If Not Coupled is selected: • The power level of the two port pairs can be adjusted separately on the POWER and POWER SETUP menus. If Coupled is selected: • An adjustment to one port is also applied to the other port on the POWER and POWER SETUP menus. • Coupling does not affect attenuator settings. External Source Power Select displays the EXT SRC POWER (EXTERNAL SOURCE POWER) menu. SRC2 Out Redirection Select toggles between ON or OFF to direct Source 2 power out of Port 1. ALC Input Visible only if Option 53 installed (or 8x installed but instrument not operating in 3739 broadband mode). Select toggles the value between Internal and External leveling detector inputs. Button is disabled when SRC2 Out Redirection is ON. Leveling Mode (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView. Allows the user to more precisely control power based on the signal envelope. Displays the LEVELING MODE menu. Leveling Mode can be set in the LEVELING MODE menu, or in the PULSEVIEW CONFIGURATION dialog | Power tab. Refresh Leveling Ref. (Reference) (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView and if the Leveling Mode is set to Per Sweep Pulsed or Per Point Pulsed. Selection will refresh the pulsed leveling reference target values. This action is recommended after recalling a pulsed leveling setup with a user power calibration or a pulsed user power calibration file, particularly if the proper measurement hardware connections were not in place at time of recall. |
![]() | Leveling Mode (Application | PulseView™) Visible only if the application is set to PulseView. Allows the user to more precisely control power based on the signal envelope. Allows selection of: • Real Time CW leveling mode – Level adjustments occur based upon detection of the CW non-pulsed signal. This will result in a leveling of average power, but occurs on a continuous (sub-microsecond) basis and has no impact on sweep time. • Per Sweep leveling mode – Level adjustments occur on a per sweep basis targeting the specific portion of the pulse described by the reference measurement width and delay. The leveling adjustments only occur at the end of the sweep, so fast drift (by a pre-amplifier for example) will not be corrected. This approach has minimal impact on sweep time. • Per Point leveling mode – Level adjustments occur on a per point basis targeting the specific portion of the pulse described by the reference measurement width and delay. The leveling adjustment is made at every point before the main measurement is made, so even fast drifts will be corrected. This approach has more impact on sweep time, but the power level at a specific point in the pulse is more precisely controlled. Leveling Mode can be set in the LEVELING MODE menu, or in the PULSEVIEW CONFIGURATION dialog | Power tab. |
Note | If the application is set to PulseView and the Leveling Mode is set to Per Sweep Pulsed or Per Point Pulsed, the Refresh Leveling Ref. button will become available, which will allow the user to refresh the pulsed leveling reference target values. This action is recommended after recalling a pulsed leveling setup with a user power calibration or a pulsed user power calibration file, particularly if the proper measurement hardware connections were not in place at time of recall. |