VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer User Interface Reference : Sweep Menus : Sweep Setup and Sweep Type Menus
Sweep Setup and Sweep Type Menus
MAIN | Sweep Setup | SWEEP SETUP
SWEEP SETUP Menu (1 of 2)
Sweep Types
Select displays the SWEEP TYPES menu for selection frequency sweep options. The display field in the Sweep Types button displays the instrument sweep setting for the active channel. The possible field display values and their meanings are:
Freq Sweep (Linear) – Frequency-Based Sweep – Linear
Freq Sweep (Log) – Frequency-Based Sweep – Log
Segmented (Freq) – Frequency-Based Segmented Sweep
Segmented (Index) – Index-Based Segmented Sweep
Power (CW Freq) – Power Sweep CW-Frequency
Power (Swept Freq) – Power Sweep Swept-Frequency
Freq-Based Seg Sweep Setup
The Frequency-Based Segmented Sweep Setup button displays the FREQ BASE SETUP menu and opens the FREQ DEF for F1 & F2 tableau area below the main display area.
Index-Based Seg Sweep Setup
The Index-Based Segmented Sweep Setup button displays the INDEX BASE SETUP menu and opens the FREQ DEF for F1 & F2 table area below the main display area.
Hold Functions
Select displays the HOLD FUNCTIONS menu.
Select displays the TRIGGER menu.
Enable Sweep Time (On/Off)
The toggle button enables or disables the sweep time configuration capability. If OFF, the Sweep Time Setup button below is unavailable. If ON, the Sweep Time Setup button is available.
This button is disabled when IMDView™ is ON.
Sweep Time Setup
Select displays the SWP TIME SETUP menu where sweep time functions of mode, time, display, and delay are configured.
This button is disabled when IMDView™ is ON.
RF Retrace (On/Off)
Select toggles the RF retrace function on and off.
MAIN | Sweep Setup | SWEEP SETUP | Sweep Types | SWEEP TYPES
SWEEP TYPES Menu (1 of 2)
Sweep Types Button Selection Group
The six (6) buttons of the SWEEP TYPES menu form a button selection group where the selection of any one button deselects the other five (5) buttons.
Freq Sweep (Linear)
The Frequency Sweep (Linear) button sets the sweep type to a linear function. The displayed X-axis is linear.
Freq Sweep (Log)
The Frequency Sweep (Log) button sets the sweep type to a log function. Log sweeps have unequal step sizes and the number of points selected are spread equally between the decade divisions, and are displayed on a log scale X-axis.
Segmented Sweep (Freq-Based)
The Segmented Sweep (Frequency-Based) button allows selections of different frequency segments, monotonic in frequency, where each segment can have a different number of points, power level, and Averaging. The display could be in Frequency where you could have many points in a short segment and no points in a long segment, or the display could be index based, where all the points are plotted with equal spacing. The displayed x-axis is linear and the frequencies are plotted where those frequencies lie.
Segmented Sweep (Index-Based)
The Segmented Sweep (Index-Based) button sets the sweep type to an index-based segmented sweep and de-selects all other sweep types. An index-based segmented sweep sweeps over a custom list of frequency points. The indexed frequencies do not have to be in any order. Plotting on the X-axis is index-based and not frequency based and displayed at equal spacing. The frequencies in each segment and segments do not have to be monotonic. Index-based sweeps are often used when reverse sweeps and a particular frequency order is required. If index-based segmented sweep is selected, the display mode is always limited to index-based.
Power Sweep (CW Freq)
The Power Sweep (CW Freq) button selects the power sweep mode and de-selects all other sweep types. In this mode, a CW Frequency is set on the FREQUENCY menu and power is swept linearly on the X-axis, based on the number of points.
MAIN | Frequency | FREQUENCY
Power Sweep (Swept Freq)
The Power Sweep (Swept Freq) button sets the sweep to power sweep (swept frequencies) and de-selects all other sweep types. If selected, a notification dialog box appears.
Click OK to clear the dialog box. Select the Do Not Show Again check box and then click OK to prevent the dialog box from appearing again.
MAIN | Frequency | FREQUENCY