VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer User Interface Reference : Calibration Menus – 2-Port VNAs : Manual 1-Port Cal Setup – 2-Port VNAs
Manual 1-Port Cal Setup – 2-Port VNAs
The appearance and button availability of the calibration menus depends on the settings established in the CAL SETUP, CAL METHOD, LINE TYPE menus and in the associated dialog boxes that appear from the Edit Cal Params button.
ONE PORT CAL Menu – SOLT/R – Coaxial – 2-Port VNAs
MANUAL CAL Menu – 2-Port VNAs
MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION | Calibrate | CALIBRATE | Manual Cal | MANUAL CAL | 1-Port Cal | ONE PORT CAL/S menu
ONE PORT CAL MENU – 2-Port VNAs – Typical Example (1 of 2)
Modify Cal Setup
Select displays the CAL SETUP menu where changes to the calibration method, line type, and associated parameters are made on the CAL METHOD and LINE TYPE submenus.
Calibration method options are SOLT/SOLR, Offset Short (SSLT), Triple Offset Short (SSST), Broadband Cal (SOLT/R-SSST/R), or mSSS.
Line Type options are Coaxial, Non-Dispersive, Waveguide, or Microstrip.
A composite view of the CAL SETUP menu set and is available in:
Ports Selected (Read Only)
A display button showing the port numbers that are in the calibration.
Completion Menu Buttons
For this example menu, the Port 1 Reflective Devices to the Isolation (Optional) buttons link to completion submenus where additional calibration procedures are performed.
For example, the Port 1 Reflective Devices button (shown below at #1) links to the REFL. DEVICES PORT 1 submenu. As each procedure is completed, the submenu button is marked with a completion checkmark. When all the procedures on the submenu are completed, use the Back button to return to the FOUR PORT CAL menu.
The Port 1 Reflective Devices button (shown above at #2) is now marked with a completion checkmark.
Port 1 Reflective Devices
When selected, provides the PORT 1 REFLECTIVE DEVICES menu. Each button represents a completion task. When ready for the task, click the button, and the instrument performs the calibration. When the calibration task is successfully completed, the button is marked with a completion checkmark. When all tasks are completed on the menu, return to the ONE PORT CAL menu.
When selected, displays the THRU/RECIP menu. When all tasks are complete, return to the ONE PORT CAL menu.
Isolation (Optional)
When selected, displays the ISOLATION menu. When all tasks are completed, return to the ONE PORT CAL menu.
This button is unavailable until all calibration tasks have been successfully completed. When available, select the button to return to the CALIBRATION menu when the Cal Status is set to ON.
Abort Cal
Select aborts the current calibration and returns to the CALIBRATION menu.
Modify One-Port Cal Setup Dialog Boxes
The Edit Cal Params dialog boxes are populated with controls and fields that vary depending on the settings made in the MANUAL CAL, CAL SETUP, CAL METHOD, and LINE TYPE menus. Dialog box examples are:
ONE-PORT CAL SETUP (SOLT/R, Coaxial) Dialog Box – 2-Port VNAs
ONE-PORT CAL SETUP (SSLT, Coaxial) Dialog Box – 2-Port VNAs
ONE-PORT CAL SETUP (SSST, Coaxial) Dialog Box – 2-Port VNAs
ONE PORT CAL SETUP (Broadband Cal, Merged SOLT/R-SSST/R) Dialog Box – 2-Port VNAs
ONE PORT CAL SETUP (mSSS, Coaxial) Dialog Box
For all other combinations of calibration methods and line types, see the summary in Table: 1-Port Manual Cal Setup Dialog Box Summary – 2-Port VNAs (1 of 5) for a listing of dialog box controls and functions.
Note that the TRL/TRM, LRL/LRM, and mTRL calibration methods are not available for One-Port Calibrations.
ONE-PORT CAL SETUP (SOLT/R, Coaxial) Dialog Box – 2-Port VNAs
Calibration Method = SOLT/SOLR
Line Type = Coaxial
ONE PORT CAL Menu – SOLT/R – Coaxial – 2-Port VNAs
MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION | Calibrate | CALIBRATE | Manual Cal | MANUAL CAL | 1-Port Cal | ONE-PORT CAL(S) | Modify Cal Setup | CAL SETUP | Edit Cal Params | ONE-PORT CAL SETUP (SOLT/R, Coaxial) Dialog Box
ONE-PORT CAL SETUP (SOLT/R, Coaxial) Dialog Box – 2-Port VNAs
Reference Impedance
Input the reference impedance.
Input field defaulted to 50 Ohms.
Any numerical value accepted although input values < 0.01 Ohms are converted to 0.01 Ohms.
Test Port 1
At least one test port (Test Port 1 or Test Port 2) must be selected. Both test ports may be selected.
Use the check box to select Test Port 1. If the check box is not selected, all Test Port 1 fields and controls are unavailable. If selected, the following controls are available:
DUT Connector Type Field
Select the DUT Connector Type from a drop-down menu list with options of:
0.8 mm (M)
0.8 mm (F)
W1-Conn (M)
W1-Conn (F)
V-Conn (M)
V-Conn (F)
K-Conn (M)
K-Conn (F)
2.4 mm (M)
2.4 mm (F)
GPC-3.5 (M)
GPC-3.5 (F)
N-Conn (M)
N-Conn (F)
N-Conn (75) (M)
N-Conn (75) (F)
7/16 (M)
7/16 (F)
TNC (M) (Kit from Maury Microwave)
TNC (F) (Kit from Maury Microwave)
User-Defined1 (M) through User-Defined32 (M)
User-Defined1 (F) through User-Defined32 (F)
Test Port 1 Connector Standard Info Button
Select displays the STANDARD INFO dialog box for the selected connector and calibration method that displays the connector calibration coefficients. The dialog box contents depends on the connector selected above and on the Cal Method selected.
Select BB Load for Test Port 1
Select BB Load number for Test Port 1:
Load 1
Load 2
Select Load Type for Test Port 1
Select the load type for Test Port 1:
Broadband Load
Sliding Load. If Sliding Load is selected:
A message appears in the “Still requires broadband loads below sliding load breakpoint frequency.”
A Sliding Load button appears on the PORT 1 REFLECTIVE DEVICES menu.
Test Port 2 Area
Use the check box to select Test Port 2. If the check box is not selected, all Test Port 2 fields and controls are unavailable. If selected, the following controls are available:
DUT Connector Type Field:
Select the DUT Connector Type from a drop-down menu list with the same options as in Test Port 1 above.
Test Port 1 Connector Standard Info Button
Select displays the STANDARD INFO dialog box for the selected connector and calibration method that displays the connector calibration coefficients. The dialog box contents depends on the connector selected above and on the Cal Method selected.
Select BB Load for Test Port 2
Select BB Load number for Test Port 2:
Load 1
Load 2
Select Load Type for Test Port 2
Select the load type for Test Port 2:
Broadband Load
Sliding Load. If Sliding Load is selected:
A message appears in the “Still requires broadband loads below sliding load breakpoint frequency.”
A Sliding Load button appears on the PORT 2 REFLECTIVE DEVICES menu.
OK / Cancel
Click OK to accept the changes and return to the CAL SETUP menu.
Click Cancel to abandon any changes and return to the CAL SETUP menu.
ONE-PORT CAL SETUP (SSLT, Coaxial) Dialog Box – 2-Port VNAs
Calibration Method = SSLT
Line Type = Coaxial
ONE PORT CAL Menu – SOLT/R – Coaxial – 2-Port VNAs
MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION | Calibrate | CALIBRATE | Manual Cal | MANUAL CAL | 1-Port Cal | ONE-PORT CAL | Modify Cal Setup | CAL SETUP | Edit Cal Params | ONE-PORT CAL SETUP (SSLT, Coaxial) Dialog Box
ONE-PORT CAL SETUP (SSLT, Coaxial) Dialog Box – 2-Port VNAs
Reference Impedance
Input the reference impedance.
Input field defaulted to 50 Ohms.
Any numerical value accepted although input values < 0.01 Ohms are converted to 0.01 Ohms.
Test Port 1
At least one test port (Test Port 1 or Test Port 2) must be selected. Both test ports may be selected.
Use the check box to select Test Port 1. If the check box is not selected, all Test Port 1 fields and controls are unavailable. If selected, the following controls are available:
Test Port 1 DUT Connector Type Field
Select the DUT Connector Type from a drop-down menu list with options of:
0.8 mm (M)
0.8 mm (F)
W1-Conn (M)
W1-Conn (F)
User-Defined1 (M) through User-Defined32 (M)
User-Defined1 (F) through User-Defined32 (F)
Test Port 1 Connector Standard Info Button
Select displays the STANDARD INFO dialog box for the selected connector and calibration method that displays the connector calibration coefficients. The dialog box contents depends on the selected connector and Cal Method selected.
Select BB Load for Test Port 1
Select BB Load number for Test Port 1:
Load 1
Load 2
Select Load Type for Test Port 1
Select the load type for Test Port 1:
Broadband Load
Sliding Load. If Sliding Load is selected:
A message appears in the “Still requires broadband loads below sliding load breakpoint frequency.”
A Sliding Load button appears on the PORT 1 REFLECTIVE DEVICES menu.
Test Port 2 Area
Use the check box to select Test Port 2. If the check box is not selected, all Test Port 2 fields and controls are unavailable. If selected, the following controls are available:
Test Port 2 DUT Connector Type Field:
Select the DUT Connector Type from a drop-down menu list with the same options as in Test Port 1 above.
Test Port 1 Connector Standard Info Button
Select displays the STANDARD INFO dialog box for the selected connector and calibration method that displays the connector calibration coefficients. The dialog box contents depends on the connector selected above and on the Cal Method selected.
Select BB Load for Test Port 2
Select BB Load number for Test Port 2:
Load 1
Load 2
Select Load Type for Test Port 2
Select the load type for Test Port 2:
Broadband Load
Sliding Load. If Sliding Load is selected:
A message appears in the “Still requires broadband loads below sliding load breakpoint frequency.”
A Sliding Load button appears on the PORT 2 REFLECTIVE DEVICES menu.
OK / Cancel
Click OK to accept the changes and return to the CAL SETUP menu.
Click Cancel to abandon any changes and return to the CAL SETUP menu.
Test Port 1 Connector Area – Standard Info Button
Select displays the STANDARD INFO (SOLT/R) STANDARD LABEL (V-Conn M) Dialog Box shown below. Note that the name of this dialog changes depending on the selected Cal Method and DUT Connector. In the example below, V-Conn (M) was selected for a Test Port 1 DUT Connector.
The name of this dialog and the information presented is dependent on the user selections for Calibration Type, Calibration Method, and Test Port Connectors.
Test Port 1 Connector Standard Info Dialog Box for SOLT/R V-Conn (M)
The STANDARD INFO dialog shows the applicable calibration parameters for Test Port 1.
ONE-PORT CAL SETUP (SSST, Coaxial) Dialog Box – 2-Port VNAs
Calibration Method = SSST
Line Type = Coaxial
ONE PORT CAL Menu – SOLT/R – Coaxial – 2-Port VNAs
MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION | Calibrate | CALIBRATE | Manual Cal | MANUAL CAL | 1-Port Cal | ONE-PORT CAL(S) | Modify Cal Setup | CAL SETUP | Edit Cal Params | ONE-PORT CAL SETUP (SSST, Coaxial) Dialog Box
ONE-PORT CAL SETUP (SSST, Coaxial) Dialog Box – 2-Port VNAs
Reference Impedance
Input the reference impedance.
Input field defaulted to 50 Ohms.
Any numerical value accepted although input values < 0.01 Ohms are converted to 0.01 Ohms.
Test Port 1
At least one test port (Test Port 1 or Test Port 2) must be selected. Both test ports may be selected.
Use the check box to select Test Port 1. If the check box is not selected, all Test Port 1 fields and controls are unavailable. If selected, the following controls are available:
Test Port 1 DUT Connector Type
Select the DUT Connector Type from a drop-down menu list with options of:
0.8 mm (M)
0.8 mm (F)
W1-Conn (M)
W1-Conn (F)
TNC (M) (Kit from Maury Microwave)
TNC (F) (Kit from Maury Microwave)
User-Defined1 (M) through User-Defined32 (M)
User-Defined1 (F) through User-Defined32 (F)
Test Port 1 Connector Standard Info Button
Select displays the STANDARD INFO dialog box for the selected connector and calibration method that displays the connector calibration coefficients. The dialog box contents depends on the connector selected above and on the Cal Method selected.
Test Port 2 Area
Use the check box to select Test Port 2. If the check box is not selected, all Test Port 2 fields and controls are unavailable. If selected, the following controls are available:
Test Port 2 DUT Connector Type Field:
Select the DUT Connector Type from a drop-down menu list with the same options as in Test Port 1 above.
Test Port 1 Connector Standard Info Button
Select displays the STANDARD INFO dialog box for the selected connector and calibration method that displays the connector calibration coefficients. The dialog box contents depends on the connector selected above and on the Cal Method selected.
OK / Cancel
Click OK to accept the changes and return to the CAL SETUP menu.
Click Cancel to abandon any changes and return to the CAL SETUP menu.
ONE PORT CAL SETUP (Broadband Cal, Merged SOLT/R-SSST/R) Dialog Box – 2-Port VNAs
VNA Mode = 2-Port Mode
Cal Method = Broadband Cal (SOLT/R-SSST/R) – Appears only with VNA in Broadband Mode (3739)
Line Type = Coaxial
MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION | Calibrate | CALIBRATE | Manual Cal | MANUAL CAL | 1-Port Cal | ONE-PORT CAL | Modify Cal Setup | CAL SETUP | Edit Cal Params | ONE PORT CAL SETUP (BROADBAND CAL, MERGED SOLT-SSST/SOLR-SSSR) Dialog Box
TWO PORT CAL SETUP Broadband Cal, Merged (SOLT/R-SSST/R) Dialog Box
Reference Impedance
Input the reference impedance.
Input field defaulted to 50 Ohms.
Any numerical value accepted although input values < 0.01 Ohms are converted to 0.01 Ohms.
Test Port 1 DUT Connector Type Area
Select the DUT Connector Type from a drop-down menu list with options of:
W1-Conn (M)
W1-Conn (F)
0.8 mm (M)
0.8 mm (F)
User-Defined1 (M) through User-Defined32 (M)
User-Defined1 (F) through User-Defined32 (F)
Test Port 1 Connector Standard Info Button
Select displays the STANDARD INFO dialog box for the selected connector and calibration method that displays the connector calibration coefficients. The dialog box contents depend on the selected connector, Cal Method, and Line Type. The following link shows a typical standard information dialog box for broadband cal.
STANDARD INFO (Broadband Cal) 0.8 mm (M) Connector Dialog Box
The following link shows a typical User-Defined Standard information dialog box for broadband cal.
USER-DEFINED STANDARD (Broadband Cal) Dialog Box
Test Port 1 Breakpoint Frequency
67 GHz is recommended for the 3656 (1 mm) calibration kit.
80 GHz is recommended for the 3659 (0.8 mm) calibration kit.
In this combined calibration, the breakpoint frequency defines the frequency above which the SSS algorithm will be used (and SOL will be used for the frequencies at or below the breakpoint). Default values are based on Anritsu calibration kits and are optimal for those components.
Test Port 2 DUT Connector
Identical function as with the Test Port 1 DUT Connector Area above. DUT Connector Type is selected from a drop-down menu list.
Test Port 2 Connector Standard Info Button
Identical function as with the Test Port 1 DUT Connector Standard Info button above. Select displays the STANDARD INFO dialog box for the selected DUT Connector.
Test Port 2 Breakpoint Frequency
Identical function as with the Test Port 1 Breakpoint Frequency.
OK / Cancel:
Click OK to accept the changes or Cancel to abandon any changes and return to the CAL SETUP menu.
ONE PORT CAL SETUP (mSSS, Coaxial) Dialog Box
Manual 1-Port Cal Setup – 2-Port VNAs
MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION | Calibrate | CALIBRATE | Manual Cal | MANUAL CAL | 1-Port Cal | ONE PORT CAL | Modify Cal Setup | CAL SETUP | Edit Cal Params | ONE PORT CAL SETUP (mSSS, Coaxial)
ONE PORT CAL SETUP (mSSS, Coaxial) Dialog Box
Reference Impedance
Input the reference impedance.
Input field defaulted to 50 Ohms.
Any numerical value accepted although input values < 0.01 Ohms are converted to 0.01 Ohms.
Select Port(s) to Calibrate
Select any test port(s) from Port 1 and Port 2. At least one test port must be selected.
Port 1 Tab – Short Definition
Number of Shorts
Select number of shorts from 3-10.
Offset Length (mm)
Editable if the Cal Kit Sel selected is “Other”; otherwise it will reflect the offset length of the selected short in the cal kit standard (Kit Info column).
Cal Kit Selection
Select the DUT Connector Type from a drop-down menu list with options of:
0.8 mm-Conn (M)
0.8 mm-Conn (F)
W1-Conn (M)
W1-Conn (F)
User-Defined1 (M) through User-Defined32 (M)
User-Defined1 (F) through User-Defined32 (F)
Kit Info Button
Select displays the STANDARD INFO or USER DEFINED STANDARD dialog box for the selected connector and calibration method that displays the connector calibration coefficients. The dialog box contents depend on the selected connector, Cal Method, and Line Type. The examples show typical standard information dialog boxes.
STANDARD INFO Dialog Box – 2-Port VNAs
Since the STANDARD INFO (mSSS) dialog derives from the SSS calibration kit definition, three shorts are available and the one to be used for the current line in the mSSS table is defined by the Select Short to use field. All of the shorts in the kit can be employed in the mSSS calibration, but each must be assigned to a separate line in the table.
Loss (dB/mm)
This field (in conjunction with the @Frequency field and the offset length) is used to compute the loss in the short and hence the magnitude of its reflection coefficient. This is mainly relevant for very large offset lengths (> 10 mm) at microwave frequencies or somewhat shorter lengths at millimeter wave frequencies.
@Frequency (GHz)
This field (in conjunction with the loss in dB/mm and the offset length) is used to compute the loss of the offset short (and hence the magnitude of its reflection coefficient) at each frequency. If a non-zero value is entered here, it is treated as the reference frequency fref at which the loss (dB/mm) was defined and the loss at all other frequencies is scaled by sqrt(f/fref). If 0 is entered here, the loss is assumed to be constant with frequency.
Use Match Checkbox
When this box is checked, a match measurement is acquired during the calibration and is used whenever even the collection of offset shorts does not have enough phase separation (value defined within the USER DEFINED MATCH dialog: Electrical line length delta for match use, expressed in degrees). The decision to use the match data is made on a frequency-by-frequency basis. See the MS464XB Calibration and Measurement Guide for more information. This helps increase bandwidth of the calibration, particularly at lower frequencies, if a match standard is available.
Match Info Button
Opens the USER DEFINED MATCH dialog.
Optimal Offset Length Super-Weighting Checkbox
When this box is checked, more weight is given to those offset shorts that contribute most to large electrical length deltas and hence to bandwidth of the calibration. More details can be found in the MS464XB Calibration and Measurement Guide. Using this feature can increase the available bandwidth of the calibration, but does reduce immunity to repeatability variances in the setup, so it is not advised in more repeatability challenged scenarios (e.g., fixtures where the short standards are attached by spring force alone).
Port 2 – Short Definition
Identical functions as with the Port 1 tab above.
OK / Cancel
Click OK to accept the changes and return to the CAL SETUP menu.
Click Cancel to abandon any changes and return to the CAL SETUP menu.
Summary of 1-Port Calibration Setup Dialog Boxes
The table below summarizes the available fields in other one-port calibration setup dialog boxes. To view each dialog box, set the CAL METHOD and LINE TYPE menus to the appropriate settings, and then select the Edit Cal Params button. All dialog boxes are named “One Port Cal Setup (Cal Method, Line Type)”.
1-Port Manual Cal Setup Dialog Box Summary – 2-Port VNAs (1 of 5)
Cal Method
Line Type
Dialog Box Input Selections and Controls
Reference Impedance (Ohms)
Select Test Port: Port 1 and/or Port 2
Test Port 1 and Test Port 2 controls are the same. Port must be selected to enable controls.
Test Port DUT Connector: For each selected test port, select one of the following connectors: 0.8 mm-Conn (M), 0.8 mm-Conn (F), W1-Conn (M), W1-Conn (F), V-Conn (M), V-Conn (F), K-Conn (M), K-Conn (F), 2.4 mm (M), 2.4 mm (F), GPC-3.5 (M), GPC-3.5 (F), SMA (M), SMA (F), N-Conn (M), N-Conn (F), N-Conn (75) (M), N-Conn (75) (F), GPC-7, 7/16 (M), 7/16 (F), TNC (M), TNC (F), User-Defined1 (M) through User-Defined32 (M), User-Defined1 (F) through User-Defined32 (F)
Test Port Connector Standard Info Button: For each DUT port connector, displays the info dialog box for the selected connector.
Test Port BB Load: Load 1, Load 2
Test Port Load Type: Broadband Load, Sliding Load
Same controls and functions as SOLT/R Coaxial above.
SOLT/R is not recommended for Waveguide calibrations.
Same controls and functions as SOLT/R Coaxial above with the following changes:
Reference Impedance (Ohms)
Waveguide Kit: User-Defined 1 to User-Defined 32
Waveguide Info button: Displays USER DEFINED WAVEGUIDE dialog box.
Same controls and functions as SOLT/R Coaxial above with the following changes:
Microstrip Kit: 10 Mil Kit, 15 Mil Kit, 25 Mil Kit, User-Defined 1 to User-Defined 32
Microstrip Info button: Displays dialog box for selected calibration method and kit.
Test Port DUT Connector Type: User-Defined 1 to User-Defined 32
Test Port Standard Info button: Displays info dialog box for selected calibration method and kit.
Reference Impedance (Ohms)
Select Test Port: Port 1 and/or Port 2
Test Port 1 and Test Port 2 controls are the same. Port must be selected to enable controls.
Test Port DUT Connector: For each selected test port, select one of the following connectors: 0.8 mm-Conn (M), 0.8 mm-Conn (F), W1-Conn (M), W1-Conn (F), User-Defined 1 (M) through User-Defined 32 (M), User-Defined 1 (F) through User-Defined 32 (F)
Test Port Connector Standard Info Button: For each DUT port connector, displays the info dialog box for the selected connector.
Test Port BB Load: Load 1, Load 2
Test Port Load Type: Broadband Load, Sliding Load
Same controls and functions as SSLT Coax.
Same controls and functions as SSLT Coax with the following changes:
Waveguide Kit: WR10, WR12, WR15, User-Defined 1 to User-Defined 32
Waveguide Info button: Displays info dialog box for selected calibration method and kit.
Same controls and functions as SSLT Coax with the following changes:
Microstrip Kit: 10 Mil Kit, 15 Mil Kit, 25 Mil Kit, User-Defined 1 to User-Defined 32
Microstrip Info button: Displays info dialog box for selected calibration method and kit.
Test Port Standard Info button: Displays USER DEFINED STANDARD dialog box for selected calibration method and kit.
Reference Impedance (Ohms)
Select Test Port: Port 1 and/or Port 2
Test Port 1 and Test Port 2 controls are the same. Port must be selected to enable controls.
Test Port DUT Connector: For each selected test port, select one of the following connectors: 0.8 mm-Conn (M), 0.8 mm-Conn (F), W1-Conn (M), W1-Conn (F), User-Defined 1 (M) through User-Defined 32 (M), User-Defined 1 (F) through User-Defined 32 (F)
Test Port Connector Standard Info Button: For each DUT port connector, displays the info dialog box for the selected connector.
Same controls and functions as SSST Coaxial.
Same controls and functions as SSST Coaxial above with the following changes:
Waveguide Kit: User-Defined 1 to User-Defined 32
Waveguide Info button: Displays WAVEGUIDE INFO dialog box for selected calibration method and kit.
Same controls and functions as SSST Coaxial above with the following changes:
Microstrip Kit: 10 Mil Kit, 15 Mil Kit, 25 Mil Kit, User-Defined 1 to User-Defined 32
Microstrip Info button: Displays MICROSTRIP INFO dialog box for selected calibration method and kit.
Reference Impedance (Ohms)
Test Port 1 Connector Type Area
Select the DUT Connector Type from a drop-down menu list with options of:
0.8 mm-Conn (M), 0.8 mm-Conn (F), W1-Conn (M), W1-Conn (F), User-Defined1 (M) through User-Defined32 (M), User-Defined1 (F) through User-Defined32 (F)
Test Port 1 Connector Standard Info Button
Select displays the STANDARD INFO dialog box for the selected connector and calibration method that displays the connector calibration coefficients. The dialog box contents depend on the selected connector, Cal Method, and Line Type. The following link shows a typical standard information dialog box for broadband cal.
The following link shows a typical User-defined Standard information dialog box for broadband cal.
Test Port 1 Breakpoint Frequency
67 GHz is recommended for the 3656 (1 mm) calibration kit.
80 GHz is recommended for the 3659 (0.8 mm) calibration kit.
Test Port 2 Connector Type Area
Identical function as with the Test Port 1 Connector Area above. Select the DUT Connector Type from a drop-down menu list.
Test Port 2 Connector Standard Info Button:
Identical function as with the Test Port 1 Connector Standard Info Button above. Select displays the STANDARD INFO dialog box for the selected DUT Connector.
Test Port 2 Breakpoint Frequency
Identical function as with the Test Port 1 Breakpoint Frequency.
OK / Cancel:
Click OK to accept the changes or Cancel to abandon any changes and return to the CAL SETUP menu.
The TRL/TRM calibration method is not available for one-port calibrations.
The LRL/LRM calibration method is not available for one-port calibrations.
The mTRL calibration method is not available for one-port calibrations.
Reference Impedance (Ohms)
Select Ports to Calibrate: Select from Port 1, Port 2. At least one port must be selected.
Port 1Tab
Number of Shorts: 3-10
Offset Length: Cal Kit Sel selected is “Other”, otherwise reflects the offset length of the selected short in the cal kit standard (Kit Info column)
Cal Kit Selection: Other, 0.8 mm-Conn (M), 0.8 mm-Conn (F), W1-Conn (M), W1-Conn (F), User-Defined1 (M) through User-Defined32 (M), User-Defined1 (F) through User-Defined32 (F)
Kit Info Standard Info Button: Displays the STANDARD INFORMATION (mSSS) or USER DEFINED STANDARD (mSSS) dialog box for the selected short.
The short to be used for the current line in the mSSS table is defined by the Select Short to use field.
Loss (dB/mm): Used to compute the loss in the short and hence the magnitude of its reflection coefficient.
@Frequency: Used to compute the loss of the offset short (and hence the magnitude of its reflection coefficient) at each frequency.
Use Match: When this box is checked, a match measurement is acquired during the calibration and is used whenever even the collection of offset shorts does not have enough phase separation.
Optimal Offset Length Super-Weighting: When this box is checked, more weight is given to those offset shorts that contribute most to large electrical length deltas and hence to bandwidth of the calibration.
Test Port 1 and Test Port 2 controls are the same.
Same controls as mSSS Coaxial above.
Same controls as mSSS Coaxial with the following changes:
Cal Kit Selection: User-Defined1 through User-Defined32.
Cutoff Frequency: The cutoff frequency for the TE10 mode in the waveguide size being used for this calibration (all shorts are assumed to have the same aperture dimensions and hence the same cutoff frequency).
Dielectric: The dielectric constant of any filling material in the waveguide interface being used for the calibration (assumed 100% fill; default value is 1).
Same controls as mSSS Coaxial with the following changes:
Cal Kit Selection: User-Defined1 through User-Defined32.
Microstrip Kit: 10 Mil Kit, 15 Mil Kit, 25 Mil Kit, User-Defined 1 to User-Defined 32
Microstrip Info button: Displays MICROSTRIP INFO dialog box for selected calibration method and kit.