VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer User Interface Reference : Calibration Menus – 2-Port VNAs : Manual Calibration Menus and Dialog Boxes
Manual Calibration Menus and Dialog Boxes
Once a manual calibration type such as 1-Port Cal has been selected, the main setup menu (which is named for the cal type such as ONE PORT CAL) appears. The Modify Cal Setup button provides access to the CAL SETUP, CAL METHOD, and LINE TYPE configuration menus with further access to the appropriate calibration parameter configuration dialog box. The manual calibration setup and procedure menus – TWO PORT CAL, ONE PORT CAL, TRANS. REPONSE, and REFL. RESPONSE and their supporting dialog boxes – change depending on the configuration made during the in the calibration setup. Figure: Manual Calibration Setup Menus – 2-Port VNAs summarizes the configuration menus and dialogs,
Manual Calibration Setup Menus – 2-Port VNAs
1. MANUAL CAL port selection menu (Conversion Cal area displays only when Option 7, Receiver Offset, is installed and when a Mixer measurement is active.
2. Calibration setup menus with titles of TWO PORT CAL, ONE PORT CAL, TRANS. RESPONSE, or REFL. RESPONSE.
3. CAL SETUP selection menu.
4. CAL METHOD selection menu. (Broadband Cal available only in Broadband configuration with Option 8x and 3739 Test Set.)
5. LINE TYPE selection menu.
6. Edit Cal Params button accesses calibration configuration dialog boxes. Dialog box titles vary depending on the calibration type, method, and line type selected.
Manual Calibration Types
2-Port Calibration
1-Port Calibration
Transmission Frequency Response Calibration
Reflection Frequency Response Calibration
Conversion Calibration – Receiver Calibration/Normalization (Mixer measurements only)
Conversion Calibration – Enhanced Match (Mixer measurements only)
Manual Calibration Methods
SOLT/SOLR – Short-Open-Load-Thru / Short-Open-Load-Return
SSLT – Offset Short or Short-Short-Load-Thru
SSST – Triple Offset Short or Short-Short-Short-Thru
Broadband Cal, Merged (SOLT/SOLR-SSST/SSSR)
TRL/TRM – Through-Reflect-Line / Through-Reflect-Match
LRL/LRM – Line-Reflect-Line / Line-Reflect-Match
mTRL – Multiline Thru-Reflect-Line
mSSS – Multiple Offset Short
Calibration Line Types
Non-Dispersive – Essentially the same as coaxial
Manual Calibration Dialog Box Settings
All permissible combinations of the calibration parameters above can be further modified through a series of dialog boxes that control DUT connectors, load types such as broadband or sliding loads, port selection, through types, reference plane location, number of bands, and similar settings. Many of these dialog boxes are shown in this document and all are summarized in tables.
MANUAL CAL Menu – 2-Port VNAs
CALIBRATE Menu – 2-Port VNAs
MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION | Calibrate | CALIBRATE | Manual Cal | MANUAL CAL
2-Port Cal
Select displays the Two Port Cal menu where the calibration step-by-step procedure is carried out. Also called 12 Term Calibration. This is the most complete calibration, and fully corrects the four S-parameters (S11, S12, S21, and S22) parameters for both instrument ports.
1-Port Cal
Select displays the One Port Cal menu. A single reflection parameter, configured in the Edit Cal Params | CAL SETUP dialog, is fully corrected (S11 or S22). Both ports can be covered but only reflection measurements are corrected. During the calibration configuration, you can select either Port 1 or Port 2.
Transmission Freq. Response
Selecting the Transmission Frequency Response button displays the Trans Freq menu. During the calibration configuration in the Edit Cal Params | CAL SETUP dialog, select forward or reverse or both directions.
Reflection Freq. Response
Select displays the Refl. Response menu.
Rcvr Cal/Normalization
Present only when Option 7, Receiver Offset, is installed and with a Mixer measurement setup (refer to MIXER Menu and Mixer Setup for information on setting up a Mixer measurement). Select displays the RcvrCal-Norm.Cal menu.
Present only when Option 7, Receiver Offset, is installed and with a Mixer measurement setup (refer to MIXER Menu and Mixer Setup for information on setting up a Mixer measurement). Select displays the Enhanced-Match menu.
Use the CAL SETUP menu to set the calibration method (such as SOLT/R or SSLT), the calibration line type (such as coaxial or microwave), and more detailed parameters for ports and connectors through the Edit Cal Parameters button and the linked CAL SETUP dialogs.
The CAL SETUP menu can be accessed from multiple menus depending on the manual calibration type selected on the MANUAL CAL menu.
TWO PORT CAL Menu – 2-Port VNAs
ONE PORT CAL Menu – SOLT/R – Coaxial – 2-Port VNAs
MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION | Calibrate | CALIBRATE | Manual Cal | MANUAL CAL | 2-Port Cal | TWO PORT CAL | Modify Cal Setup | CAL SETUP
The navigation path above assumes that Two Port Cal manual calibration type was selected on the MANUAL CAL menu.
Cal Method
The field displays the currently selected calibration method such as SOLT/SOLR, SSLT, SSST, TRL/TRM, LRL/LRM, mTRL, or mSSS. Select displays the CAL METHOD menu where a calibration method is selected. Once a selection is made on the CAL METHOD menu, the system auto-returns to this CAL SETUP menu.
Line Type
The field displays the currently selected line type such as Coaxial or Microstrip. Select displays the LINE TYPE menu where a line type is selected. Once a selection is made on the LINE TYPE menu, the system auto-returns to this CAL SETUP menu.
Edit Cal Params
Select displays the appropriate calibration setup dialog box. The exact name of the dialog box varies depending on the calibration type, calibration method, and line type selected.
Dialog box name format: [Cal Type] [Cal Method] Cal Setup [Line Type]
For example, if Full 2 Port, SOLT/SOLR, and Coaxial were selected, the dialog box name is:
Full Two Port Cal Setup (SOLT/R, Coaxial)
Edit Cal Params (continued)
Click links below for examples of 2-Port CAL SETUP dialog boxes using Coaxial line type.
A summary table lists dialog box contents for all other combinations of method and line type in 2-Port Manual Cal Setup Dialog Box Summary – 2-Port VNAs (1 of 11)
Click links below for examples of 1-Port CAL SETUP dialog boxes using Coaxial line type.
A summary table lists dialog box contents for all other combinations of method and line type in 1-Port Manual Cal Setup Dialog Box Summary – 2-Port VNAs (1 of 5)
Use the CAL METHOD menu to select whether the method of SOLT/SOLR, SSLT, SSST, Broadband Cal (SOLT/R-SSST/R), TRL/TRM, LRL/LRM, mTRL, or mSSS will be used during the calibration.
MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION | Calibrate | CALIBRATE | Manual Cal | MANUAL CAL | 2-Port Cal | TWO PORT CAL | Modify Cal Setup | CAL SETUP | Cal Method | CAL METHOD
The navigation path above assumes that Two Port Cal calibration type was selected on the Manual Cal menu.
CAL METHOD Menu – 2-Port VNAs (1 of 2)
Auto-Return Button Selection Group:
The buttons of the CAL METHOD menu form an auto-return button selection group. Selecting any one button marks the selection with the select icon, de-selects the other buttons, and auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Selecting the SOLT/SOLR button sets the calibration method to Short-Open-Load-Thru (or Short-Open-Load-Reciprocal) and then auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Offset Short (SSLT)
Selecting the Offset Short (SSLT) button sets the calibration method to Short-Short-Load-Thru and then auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Triple Offset Short (SSST)
Selecting the Triple Offset Short (SSST) button sets the calibration method to Short-Short-Short-Thru and then auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Broadband Cal (SOLT/R-SSST/R) – Appears only with VNA in Broadband Mode
Selecting the Broadband Cal (SOLT/R-SSST/R) button sets the calibration method to Broadband Cal (SOLT/R-SSST/R) and then auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Selecting the TRL/TRM button sets the calibration method to Through-Reflect-Line or Through-Reflect-Match and then auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Selecting the LRL/LRM button sets the calibration method to Line-Reflect-Line or Line-Reflect-Match and then auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Selecting the mTRL button sets the calibration method to multiline TRL (Thru-Reflect-Line) and then auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Selecting the mSSS button sets the calibration method to multiple offset short and then auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Use the LINE TYPE menu to select from coaxial, non-dispersive, waveguide, or microstrip line types. Non-dispersive is for line types such as coplanar waveguide, stripline, or twin-lead and is treated the same as coaxial line.
MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION | Calibrate | CALIBRATE | Manual Cal | MANUAL CAL | 2-Port Cal | TWO PORT CAL | Modify Cal Setup | CAL SETUP | Line Type | LINE TYPE
LINE TYPE Menu – 2-Port VNAs 
Auto-Return Button Selection Group
The four (4) buttons of the LINE TYPE menu form an auto-return button selection group. Selecting any one button marks the selection with the select icon, de-selects the other three (3) buttons, and auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Coaxial (Line Type)
Select sets the line type to coaxial, marks the button with the select icon, de-selects the Non-Dispersive, Waveguide, and Microstrip buttons, and then auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Non-Dispersive (Line Type)
Non-dispersive line types, such as Coplanar Waveguide, Stripline, or twin-lead, are used on transmissions. The system treats non-dispersive lines the same as coaxial line types.
Select sets the line type to non-dispersive, marks the button with the select icon, de-selects the Coaxial, Waveguide, and Microstrip buttons, and then auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Waveguide (Line Type)
Waveguide is transmission media such as rectangular or circular waveguide.
Select sets the line type to waveguide, marks the button with the select icon, de-selects the Coaxial, Non-Dispersive, and Microstrip buttons, and then auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.
Microstrip (Line Type)
Microstrip line is typically used in on-wafer media.
Select sets the line type to microstrip, marks the button with the select icon, de-selects the Coaxial, Non-Dispersive, and Waveguide buttons, and then auto-returns to the CAL SETUP menu.