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1. NF SETUP menu. 2. Noise Figure Configuration button selected. 3. NF CONFIG (NF Configuration) menu. 4. NF ADVANCED menu. | 5. DUT S-PARAM (S-Parameter) dialog box. 6. NF NOISE CAL (Calibration) menu 7. NF RECEIVER CAL (Calibration) menu. 8. NF RCVRCAL OFFSET menu |
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9. PERFORM RECEIVER CALIBRATION Dialog Box 10. NF RECEIVER CAL Dialog Box | 11. PERFORM RECEIVER CAL dialog box. Provides access to previously saved receiver calibration RCVR files. |
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1. NF SETUP Menu 2. DUT S-PARAM DATA Dialog Box 3. NF RECEIVER CAL Menu 4. RECEIVER CALIBRATION REMINDER Dialog Box 5. RECALL RECEIVER CAL FILES Dialog Box 6. NOISE CALIBRATION Dialog Box | 7. CALIBRATION Menu – Appearance and button availability changes for Noise Figure operation. Button provides direct access to the NOISE CALIBRATION Dialog Box described above. When in Noise Figure mode, path via CALIBRATION menu is: MAIN | Calibration | CALIBRATION | Perform Noise Calibration. |
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1. NF CONFIG menu – Related button field toolbars shown to the right. 2. Start Frequency field toolbar. 3. Stop Frequency field toolbar. 4. # (Number) of Points field toolbar. 5. CW Frequency field toolbar. | 6. # of RMS Points field toolbar. 7. IFBW (Intermediate Frequency Bandwidth) Frequency field toolbar – Do not change the IFBW setting after calibration. 8. Temperature K – Read-only display field button. |
Note | Do not change the IFBW setting after calibration. |
1. Receiver Channel: Read-only field display. Shows the receiver channel as B2. 2. Inter/Extrapolation: Calibration Interpolation and Extrapolation Mode. Read-only display. This display indicates that the VNA calibration interpolation and extrapolation mode is ON. 3. Receiver Cal Offset: Opens the NF RCVRCALOFFSET menu. After loading the receiver cal offset file (.txt), a CheckBox (as checked) will be shown to indicate the successful file load. Also, the menu item “Receiver Cal Offset” toggle will be enabled and the status will be changed to ON. 4. NW Extract.–De-embed: Read-only field display. Shows the NW Extract–De-embed status. 5. Recall NW Extract.–De-embed File: Opens Select S2P FIle for Network DeEmbedding dialog box, which is used to select an s2p file. 6. NW Extract.–Embed: Shows the NW Extract–Embed status. When ON, the user is able to toggle the Network Extraction status to ON/OFF by clicking this menu item. 7. Recall NW Extract.–Embed File: Opens Select S2P FIle for Network Embedding dialog box, which is used to select an s2p file. The selected s2p file is validated and if found valid, the embedding operation will be performed with respect to the selected s2p file. A CheckBox (as checked) will be shown to indicate the file loaded successfully. Also the menu item “NW Extraction. Embed” will be enabled and the status will be changed to ON. | ![]() |
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1. Recall Receiver Cal Offset: Opens Receiver Calibration Offset Data dialog box. After loading the receiver cal offset file (.txt), a CheckBox (as checked) will be shown to indicate the successful file load. Also, the menu item “Receiver Cal Offset” will be enabled and the status will be changed to ON. 2. RECEIVER CALIBRATION OFFSET DATA dialog box. |