VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer User Interface Reference : Response Menus – 4-Port VNAs : Mixed Mode Setup Dialog Boxes
Mixed Mode Setup Dialog Boxes
Dialog Boxes
The contents and controls in the dialog box change depending how the user-defined balanced port is selected as:
Two differential pairs
One differential pair and one singleton
One differential pair and two singletons
Each balanced port selection is described in the sections below.
Alternate Mixed Mode Configuration Control
There is a separate mixed-mode response control located on the RESPONSES SETUP menu located within the DISPLAY menus that provides a rapid assignment of one of the three options above. The response type assignment is limited to all traces on the active channel. The menu is described in:
Display Menus
MAIN | Display | DISPLAY | Display Area Setup | DISPLAY SETUP | Responses Setup | RESPONSES SETUP
MIXED MODE Setup Dialog Box – Two Diff. Pairs – 4-Port VNAs
Balanced Port Pair Setting = Two Differential Pairs
RESPONSE Menu – 4-Port VNAs
MAIN | Response | RESPONSE | Mixed Mode | MIXED MODE Dialog Box | Two Differential Pairs
MIXED MODE Dialog Box – Two Differential Pairs – 4-Port VNAs
Select the option required:
Single Ended
TMS Drive
Reverse TMS
Source (Ref Plane)
Selecting any option other than Single Ended will place the VNA in DifferentialView™ mode. Refer to DifferentialView™ (True Mode Stimulus) for more information on configuring DifferentialView™.
Define Balanced Port Pair(s)
Select the option required:
Two Differential Pairs
The DUT Ports diagram appears with a four-port DUT and is ready for port assignment.
Change Trace
The Change Trace button displays the currently active trace number. Select displays the SELECT TRACE dialog box where another trace can be selected.
SELECT TRACE Dialog Box – 4-Port VNAs
Assign DUT Ports to VNA Ports (2 Diff)
For each DUT connection, toggle the Port button to select the appropriate VNA Port Number.
DUT Port Pair 1
Pair 1 +: Select from VNA Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, or Port 4. This port has positive polarity.
Pair 1 –: Select from VNA Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, or Port 4. This port has negative polarity.
DUT Port Pair 2:
Pair +: Select from VNA Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, or Port 4
Pair –: Select from VNA Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, or Port 4
Note that all port assignments must be unique and have different color coding. When all port assignments are completed, select the Apply button. If the assignment is invalid, a warning dialog appears. If the port assignments are valid, the title of the DUT Ports diagram is annotated with the port assignment in the format (A:B):(C:D). For example:
(1:2):(3:4) = The first port pair is measured from 1 to 2 and the second port pair is measured from 3 to 4.
(4:1):(2:3) = The first port pair is measured from 4 to 1 and the second port pair is measured from 2 to 3.
Assign Port Assignments to All Traces
The actions above only apply to the active trace on the active channel. If required, select the Apply Selections check box to apply the port pair selections to all traces on the active channel.
Select Responses (2 Differential)
Select the required 2-differential response characteristic from the available 16 combinations of pure differential (D) and common-mode (C) parameters. Only one response may be selected:
Differential Reception with Differential Drive S-Parameters
SD1D1 – S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 1.
SD1D2 – S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 2.
SD2D1 – S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 2 and differential drive at Pair 1.
SD2D2 – S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 2 and differential drive at Pair 2.
Common-Mode Reception with Differential Drive S-Parameters
SC1D1 – S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 1.
SC1D2 – S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 2.
SC2D1 – S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 2 and differential drive at Pair 1.
SC2D2 – S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 2 and differential drive at Pair 2.
Differential Reception with Common-Mode Drive S-Parameters
SD1C1 – S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 1.
SD1C2 – S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 2.
SD2C1 – S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 2 and common-mode drive at Pair 1.
SD2C2 – S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 2 and common-mode drive at Pair 2.
Common-Mode Reception with Common-Mode Drive S-Parameters
SC1C1 – S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 1.
SC1C2 – S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 2.
SC2C1 – S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 2 and common-mode drive at Pair 1.
SC2C2 – S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 2 and common-mode drive at Pair 2.
When the selection is complete, select the Apply button to apply the setting to the active trace.
MIXED MODE Setup Dialog Box – One Diff. Pair – One Singleton – 4-Port VNAs
Balanced Port Pair Setting = One Differential Pair and One Singleton
RESPONSE Menu – 4-Port VNAs
MAIN | Response | RESPONSE | Mixed Mode | MIXED MODE Dialog Box | One Differential Pair and One Singleton
MIXED MODE Dialog Box – One Differential Pair and One Singleton – 4-Port VNAs
Select the option required:
Single Ended
TMS Drive
Reverse TMS
Source (Ref Plane)
Selecting any option other than Single Ended will place the VNA in DifferentialView™ mode. Refer to DifferentialView™ (True Mode Stimulus) for more information on configuring DifferentialView™.
Define Balanced Port Pair(s)
Select the option required:
One Differential Pair and One Singleton
The DUT Ports diagram appears with a DUT having one port pair and one singleton connection.
Change Trace
Displays the currently active trace number. Select displays the SELECT TRACE dialog box where another trace can be selected.
SELECT TRACE Dialog Box – 4-Port VNAs
Assign DUT Ports to VNA Ports (1 Diff, 1 Singleton)
For each DUT connection, toggle the Port button to select the appropriate VNA Port Number.
DUT Port Pair 1
Pair 1 +: Select from VNA Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, or Port 4. This port has positive polarity.
Pair 1 –: Select from VNA Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, or Port 4. This port has negative polarity.
DUT S1 Singleton:
S1: Select from VNA Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, or Port 4
Note that all port assignments must be unique and have different color coding. When all port assignments are completed, select the Apply button. If the assignment is invalid, a warning dialog appears. If the port assignments are valid, the title of the DUT Ports diagram is annotated with the port assignment in the format (A:B):C). For example:
(1:2):3 = The DUT port differential is measured from 1 to 2 and 3 is the singleton.
(4:2):1 = The DUT port differential is measured from 4 to 2 and 1 is the singleton.
Assign Port Assignments to All Traces
The actions above only apply to the active trace on the active channel. If required, select the Apply Selections check box to apply the port pair selections to all traces on the active channel.
Select Response
Select the required differential or common-mode response characteristic from the available 9 combinations of pure differential (D), common-mode (C), or singleton (X) parameters. Only one response may be selected:
Reception at Singleton and Drive at Singleton
SXX – S-Parameter for singleton reception and singleton drive.
Reception at Singleton and Drive at Pair 1
SXD – S-Parameter for singleton reception and differential drive at Pair 1
SXC – S-Parameter for singleton reception and common-mode drive at Pair 1
Reception at Pair 1 and Drive at Singleton
SDX – S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and singleton drive
SCX – S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and singleton drive
Reception at Pair 1 and Drive at Pair 1
SDD – S-Parameter for differential reception at the Pair 1 and differential drive at the port pair.
SDC – S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at the port pair
SCD – S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at the port pair.
SCC – S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at the port pair.
When the selection is complete, select the Apply button to apply the setting to the active trace.
MIXED MODE Setup Dialog Box – One Diff. Pair – Two Singletons – 4-Port VNAs
Balanced Port Pair Setting = One Differential Pair and Two Singletons
RESPONSE Menu – 4-Port VNAs
MAIN | Response | RESPONSE | Mixed Mode | MIXED MODE Dialog Box | One Differential Pair and Two Singletons
MIXED MODE Dialog Box – One Differential Pair and Two Singletons – 4-Port VNAs
Define Balanced Port Pair(s)
Select the option required:
One Differential Pair and Two Singletons
The DUT Ports diagram appears with a DUT having one port pair and two singletons connection.
Change Trace
Displays the currently active trace number. Select displays the SELECT TRACE dialog box where another trace can be selected.
SELECT TRACE Dialog Box – 4-Port VNAs
Assign DUT Ports to VNA Ports (1 Diff, 1 Singleton)
For each DUT connection, toggle the Port button to select the appropriate VNA Port Number:
DUT Port Pair 1
Pair 1 +: Select from VNA Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, or Port 4. This port has positive polarity.
Pair 1 –: Select from VNA Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, or Port 4. This port has negative polarity.
DUT S1 Singleton:
S1: Select from VNA Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, or Port 4
DUT S2 Singleton:
S2: Select from VNA Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, or Port 4
Note that all port assignments must be unique and have different color coding. When all port assignments are completed, select the Apply button. If the assignment is invalid, a warning dialog appears. If the port assignments are valid, the title of the DUT Ports diagram is annotated with the port assignment in the format (A:B):C). For example:
(1:2):3:4 = The DUT port differential is measured from 1 to 2 while 3 and 4 are the singletons.
(4:2):1:3 = The DUT port differential is measured from 4 to 2 while 1 and 3 are the singletons.
Assign Port Assignments to All Traces
The actions above only apply to the active trace on the active channel. If required, select the Apply Selections check box to apply the port pair selections to all traces on the active channel.
Select Response
Select the required differential or common-mode response characteristic from the available 16 combinations of pure differential (D), common-mode (C), first singleton (X), or second singleton (Y) parameters. Only one response may be selected:
Reception at Singleton and Drive at Singleton
SXX – S-Parameter for first singleton reception and first singleton drive
SXY – S-Parameter for first singleton reception and second singleton drive
SYX – S-Parameter for second singleton reception and first singleton drive
SYY – S-Parameter for second singleton reception and second singleton drive
Reception at Singleton and Drive at Pair 1
SXD – S-Parameter for first singleton reception and differential drive at Pair 1
SXC – S-Parameter for first singleton reception and common-mode drive at Pair 1
SYD – S-Parameter for second singleton reception and differential drive at Pair 1
SYC – S-Parameter for second singleton reception and common-mode drive at Pair 1
Reception at Pair 1 and Drive at Singleton
SDX – S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and first singleton drive
SDY – S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and second singleton drive
SCX – S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and first singleton drive
SCY – S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and second singleton drive
Reception at Pair 1 and Drive at Pair 1
SDD – S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at the port pair.
SDC – S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at the port pair.
SCD – S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at the port pair.
SCC – S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at the port pair.
When the selection is complete, select the Apply button to apply the setting to the active trace.
SELECT TRACE Dialog Box – 4-Port VNAs
One of the three available configurations on the MIXED MODE dialog box must be selected.
MIXED MODE Setup Dialog Box – Two Diff. Pairs – 4-Port VNAs
Figure: MIXED MODE Dialog Box – Two Differential Pairs – 4-Port VNAs
MIXED MODE Setup Dialog Box – One Diff. Pair – One Singleton – 4-Port VNAs
Figure: MIXED MODE Dialog Box – One Differential Pair and One Singleton – 4-Port VNAs
MIXED MODE Setup Dialog Box – One Diff. Pair – Two Singletons – 4-Port VNAs
Figure: MIXED MODE Dialog Box – One Differential Pair and Two Singletons – 4-Port VNAs
MAIN | Response | RESPONSE | Mixed Mode | MIXED MODE Dialog Box | Change Trace | SELECT TRACE Dialog Box
SELECT TRACE Dialog Box – For Mixed-Mode Trace Assignment – 4-Port VNAs
Select the trace number button to apply the current mixed-mode settings. After a Trace Number button is selected, the focus auto returns to the MIXED MODE dialog box.