The Trace Viewer window displays the sweep activity. All the RSMs continue to sweep and monitor for other events. Clicking an RSM from the RSM List will show the sweeping activity for that RSM. As the drone gets closer to an RSM, click that RSM from the RSM list. The Trace Viewer displays its activity. The RSMs performing a TDOA measurement and capturing an interferer signal will display as a red marker as shown in Figure: Simulator Program with Drone Tracking GUI.
Clicking the mouse pointer anywhere in the trace provides the frequency measurement readout as shown in the trace viewer, and then clicking will provide a frequency measurement readout as shown in Figure: Trace Viewer.
Available when indicating it is an active channel (not grayed font). See Configure Tracking Bands for details.
Channel 2 Only
Available when indicating it is an active channel (not grayed font). See Configure Tracking Bands for details.
Start Tracking Event
Click a frequency point on the trace viewer initiates a tracking event.
Enlarges the trace graph window.
Copy to Clipboard
Copies a selected RSM and the active band sweep activity to clipboard.
Sweep All to Clipboard
Copies all RSMs and the active band activities to the clipboard. The saved data can be viewed in a graphics editor such as Microsoft Paint. Callout 1 in Figure: Copy All to Clipboard displays the signal tracking of the drone’s signal strength as it is monitored by the geographically positioned RSMs.