A suspicious signal not transmitted by a drone will be logged in the Ignore List as shown in Figure: Ignore List Tab. By default, signals that appear in the Ignore List will expire in 90 seconds and then disappear from the Ignore List.
Ignore List Tab
Ignore List Dialog Description
Ignore List (2)
The number in parenthesis on the tab indicate the number of occurrences currently logged in the Ignore list tab. This feature alerts the user of Ignore List logging activity if viewing the Event Log.
Start, Center, Stop Frequency
The signal frequency details when logged.
A countdown timer indicates the time remaining before the event is removed from the list.
Each click increments the Expiration time of selected Ignore List entry by 30 seconds. The increase of time can be viewed in the Expiration column of the Ignore List window.
Each click decrements the Expiration time of selected Ignore List entry by 30 seconds. The decrease of time can be viewed in the Expiration column of the Ignore List window.
Delete Selected
Deletes one or more selected tracks in the Ignore List.