AeroShield™ MX280002A RF Drone Detection and Tracking Software : Track Viewer : Tracking Points Menu
Tracking Points Menu
The Tracking Points button is located at the top-left of the map display screen. This button provides a menu to enhance the tracking event display as shown in Figure: Tracking Points Menu.
Tracking Points Menu
Show Tracking Points
Displays the drone tracking geo-locate (points) as dots on the map.
Highlight Last Track Point
Uses a red or blue bulls-eye to identify the last track point position of the drone. A red bulls-eye represents a tracked drone 1 and a blue bulls-eye (not shown) represents a tracked drone 2.
Tracking Smoothing
Click the desired tracking trace smoothing effect. Low is slower, but has best resolution. Very High displays a faster trace, but with less accuracy.
None: The track is drawn directly between each track point.
Low: Running average used to apply low smoothing to the tracking points.
Minor: Running average used to apply minor smoothing to the tracking points.
Medium: Running average used to apply medium smoothing to the tracking points.
High: Running average used to apply high smoothing to the tracking points.
Very High: Running average used to apply very high smoothing to the tracking points.
The trace display in Figure: Tracking Points Menu displays the Show Tracking Points menu, The tracks displayed have Trace Smoothing set to Low, and Trace Thickness set to Thin.
Track Thickness
Click the thickness of the Tracking Trace as Thin, Medium, or Thick.
Combine Points
Averages the selected track points and displays the results on the map.
Merge Tracks
Use this menu command if a continuous flight signal had been temporarily lost but regained in the same flight event. See Merge Tracks.
Export Tracks
Export the current active tracks to a KML file. The filename will be the current date and time. If two tracks are active, both will be saved in the file.
Open Export Folder
This opens a Windows Explorer window at the location where KML files are stored. Default: [Users Document folder]\KML.